The big text means "Video not available", the smaller underneath "This video contains content by SVG Sports & Entertainment, which due to copyright infringement has blocked it for your country".
Oooh, don't get me started on that!
too late...
I'm a big flamenco aficionado, and obviously content is much more accessible in Spain.
Country codes on DVDs (for much the same reasons) and distribution rights for CDs, restricting me from content I loved, and willing to purchase, and ultimately unavailable in my locale, was infuriating!
DVDs are (well, were — who uses DVDs anymore?) playable if you have a player that isn't region-locked. They were all supposed to be, but I know my brother once managed to buy one that wasn't from some obscure brand, so he could play American DVDs as well as European ones.
These days … well, there's torrents and whathaveyou