Excellent Wehrmacht WWII Footage for Historians and Dioramas.

No, I really can't see it:


The big text means "Video not available", the smaller underneath "This video contains content by SVG Sports & Entertainment, which due to copyright infringement has blocked it for your country".
due to copyright infringement has blocked it for your countr
Oooh, don't get me started on that!
too late...
I'm a big flamenco aficionado, and obviously content is much more accessible in Spain.
Country codes on DVDs (for much the same reasons) and distribution rights for CDs, restricting me from content I loved, and willing to purchase, and ultimately unavailable in my locale, was infuriating!
DVDs are (well, were — who uses DVDs anymore?) playable if you have a player that isn't region-locked. They were all supposed to be, but I know my brother once managed to buy one that wasn't from some obscure brand, so he could play American DVDs as well as European ones.

These days … well, there's torrents and whathaveyou :)
The funny thing was that here at least, it was the cheapest ones ones that weren't region locked! Go figure!
And as for who uses DVDs and CDs anymore, the business of media distribution now can hide behind the 'anonymity' of an algorithm to make choices for you.
I still have the vinyl my father bought in 1954, and no algorithm can hide it from me until it grows legs and comes and gets them!
DVDs are (well, were — who uses DVDs anymore?)
Dang, Jakko, I do! I even use a flip phone, not a "stupid" phone, HA! I don't text, and I don't do Spacebook it or Myface it, so call me and talk to me, or forget it. And I have no fear of getting run over on the street as I keep my face in my phone, it don't happen. Ya, call me archaic, but I could care less. Can't remember who coined this, but I "observe the masses and do the opposite." I've never been into the herd mentality, personally. I'm not the groupie type, never have been.

Might you check your VPN, change the local, and see if you can view it that way? This is rather ridiculous to see YT is blocked in certain regions. But then again, we can't get a lot of decent news coming out of the EU over here either, so that is somewhat understandable, but bogus just the same.

If not, you'll just have to take our word for it, it was a funny pun, Amigo!
Dang, Jakko, I do! I even use a flip phone, not a "stupid" phone, HA! I don't text, and I don't do Spacebook it or Myface it, so call me and talk to me, or forget it.
I don't own a mobile phone at all :) Call me at home if you need me.

And I have no fear of getting run over on the street as I keep my face in my phone, it don't happen.
Heh, that reminds me of the time I taught someone that lesson :) I was riding my bike (as in bicycle) through town and saw this young woman diagonally crossing the street some way in front of me, looking down at her phone all the time. By my estimation, if we both kept going at the same speed and direction, she would have walked right into me, and as I got closer, I could see I was right. When she was about two steps away from walking straight into my handlebars and left arm, I loudly rang the bike's bell, causing her to literally jump backward with a frightened look on her face :) She laughed at what happened and agreed that she should have been paying attention to the traffic instead.

Might you check your VPN, change the local, and see if you can view it that way?
That would work, yes. But a bit much for seeing a joking reply, IMHO :)

This is rather ridiculous to see YT is blocked in certain regions. But then again, we can't get a lot of decent news coming out of the EU over here either, so that is somewhat understandable, but bogus just the same.
YouTube isn't blocked, I watch it a fair deal. It's just that the uploader of this particular video appears to have blocked it for at least the Netherlands (and who knows which other countries). If you want EU news and/or European views on American news, try https://www.euronews.com
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It took more than a single big half-track to tow a Panther or a Tiger, and the Germans never developed an armoured recovery vehicle with capabilities similar to the American M32 TRV, or a tank transporter like the M25 "Dragon Wagon" (the tractor of which could handle a Panther by itself, and probably Tiger too).
It is crazy (to me) how often 1st-person memoirs of German armor in WWII how often "prime movers" are mentioned.
...when I finish my time machine, you can go back and tell them! :D
I've read a ton about the Eastern Front, one thing I can say for certain is that is one place I would NOT go, if I had a time machine.

(I know that is not what you meant, I'm being snarky)
Just wanted to say I love this thread, common interests go well beyond styrene, and there's a lotta smart people here!

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