Floor wax as a gloss coat


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2022
I've used the floor wax on windows and beacon lights to shine them up. Can the same wax be used on a model like a car or plane for a clear coat? Can it be used for applying panel lines then covering it with a flat or simigloss coat?
Wax ?
I imagine you're talking about " Future " or something similar ?
It's just a clear acrylic so yes , it can be treated like other acrylic coatings .
Tamiya X-22 Clear Gloss is as good if not better than future in my opinion as it is made specifically for modeling. I do use future still on occasion though for quick spot applications
Cool ,
now I can put one of the full bottles of it I have on Ebay for 2 grand .

It's great for mixing with inks .
So cheap by volume . .. well , it was . Now it's 2 grand .
74 bucks an ounce .
Although note that Future has been discontinued. In the past it popped up under rebranded labelling with the same formula, but it has finally hit the end of the road as of January 2022

https://cmass.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&catid=10&id=8651&Itemid=230#:~:text=I'm sorry to share,discontinued in January of 2022.


I'm still working from a bottle of Future I bought 30 years ago. I think it'll last me another 30.

Momo mentioned mixing it with inks. I use it to make glazes, by mixing a little bit of water-based acrylic paint to a drop of Future and a drop of water. I used the technique on these civilian toy soldiers, for example:


I use matte and gloss colors on figures like this, and then apply Future as a gloss coat and sealer on them.
Brad, those are very cool! The figures remind me of the play; My Fair Lady.
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Blake, those are very cool! The figures remind me of the play; My Fair Lady.
Thanks! They would certainly work!
They're from my "Berlin 1910/Kaiser's Army" collection. The figures are from various makers, some going back to the 60s, and some of which are still being made today. Most are Phoenix Model Developments and Sanderson.
I have a collection of Imperial German soldiers on parade, with Kaiser Willy taking the salute. And a couple years ago, I realized that I didn't have any spectators to watch the parade. So I started picking up civilian castings. Old veterans with their wives, pretty young ladies admiring the officers in their colorful uniforms, little kids running about. I've even got some parents with sons who are in the cadet schools.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough display space to have everything out all the time. I only get to set up the display at Christmas, under the tree.
I'll have to post more pictures.
I rarely use Future for clearcoat. The only time I'll use it for restoring clear canopy or windshield if they're fogged from using superglue. Ask me how I know….. LOL!
I've been using Quick Shine. It works pretty well, it's super cheap, and there will probably still be half a bottle left when I die. Picked up a 64 oz bottle at wally world for $16 and change.
Speaking of Quick Shine, modeler Jon Bius posted this video to his YouTube channel two weeks ago, in which he looks at using Quick Shine as a clear coat. For the curious, and those looking for a replacement for Future, it's definitely worth watching.

And of course, there are products for clear-coating specifically made for the hobby, by hobby suppliers, as some others have mentioned. To anyone who isn't sure, use whatever you feel comfortable using.

Best regards,
I'm glad I stocked up some time ago on the pledge. I have two bottles. Just use it for aircraft canopies. Sometimes I'll use it on a model sometimes I don't, it just depends on how I feel on a particular build.
I found a bottle of Pledge recently for $8 in my local market. I use it primarily for dipping canopies as my results attempting to clear coat models have been…inconsistent.
I found a bottle of Pledge recently for $8 in my local market. I use it primarily for dipping canopies as my results attempting to clear coat models have been…inconsistent.
I've run into that same thing so I'm trying to get away from the clear coat as much as I can.

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