schweinhund227 said:Sorry if I missed this.... WOW !
Perfect execution ! just flawless in my BOOK !
Keep up the good work...
Can't hardly wait for your next project... it sure promises !
later !
The Nylon Gag said:Fantastic build, very strong subject to help us never forget the dangers the troops face everyday.
I don't think it needs figures
I think it looks great with just the Hummer
Excellent work
schweinhund227 said:What ? you only got a bronze ??? my god the competition must have been vicious !!!
Its a gold in my book ! Awesome piece !
very realistic....
Keep you chin up!
Can't wait for your next piece !
Thanks for your kind comments.FlipFlop said:"I told you not to bring in any Charms" diorama.
This looks really good, gold definitely if you ask me.
tiking said:Been working on this for some time now and still got a little brushing up and small details to add before I am satisfied. Oh yeah, will be adding a figure or two. Not my strongest side but will try.
The inspiration for this little vignette, I call 'Fould' comes from a photo I had seen on the net. I think it was taken in Afghanistan. So far this is my interpretation of such a scene of an IED Humvee attack; The name of the vignette would be announced after I decide on the figures:
Here is the pic from which I got my inspiration: