German U-boat Type VIIB Conning Tower Gun Deck and Figures

Steve Ski

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2012
Now that the site is back up and running, thank you Blackbeard, I will just do a quick run up of what I've been working on since the site went to sleep.

The initial intent of this build was to accompany Alpine Miniatures' 16021 German U-Boat Captain, sent to me by Taesung Hamms, exclusively for an SBS on I have also logged a prior SBS, Alpine Miniature's new figure:16036 German U-Boat Watch Officer, for Track-link.

To make a long story short, what the heck was I going to do with a single Captain figure, build another dock section? Nah, gotta do more than that, gotta have some kind of scenario. So, searching the web I ran across Shapeways 3D printed kits, had a 1/16th scale gun deck printed (not cheap at all!) and took off from there.

I paid for the second Watch Officer figure, so there was no exclusivity attached to him or the gun deck. The pics you see below are what has become the final stages of the vignette/dio to date. When I finish this last figure I will post the entire scene, hopefully soon. If you are interested in seeing the SBS on the Gun deck you can go here: It's a long one, so I won't repost it here.

Captain Figure:


Gun Deck:


And Water Works:


Two more pics on the next post ;)

The water works are done as best as I'm going to get it, so when the last figure is complete I will post him, then get both figures mounted and call this one good!

Thanks for watchin, Ski.
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Watch Officer is Finished

Well, I thought I had taken in-progress photos of the legs and shoes, but apparently not. So, refer to the Captain figure, (Track-link), I used the same methods and techniques. Now all that is lacking is attaching these two figures to the deck and taking photos.

I felt rushed on this last figure towards the end due to summer outside work fast approaching. But, since my sleep before the night shift was lacking I spent a few hours each night before work to finish this last figure. Boy, work sure does get in the way of this hobby, ya know what I mean? At any rate, come Thursday it won't anymore, Yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......!

Here's final shots before posting to the gallery.


Thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.
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Oky Doky,

Here's the grand finale, calling this puppy done.

"Calm Before The Storm"

Alpine Miniatures 1/16th Scale #16021 German U-Boat Captain, Alpine Miniatures 1/16th Scale #16036 German U-Boat Watch Officer, German U-boat Type VIIB Conning Tower Gun Deck and Dual Gun from Shapeways, designed by Sasa Drobac.

Figures painted in oils over an acrylic base. Railing, cables, flag pole, and deck bench were scratch built. The water effect was created using blue construction foam with several layers of Vallejo's Water Effects and acrylic paint.


Cheers, Ski.
Wow! That's an impressive display! Well done on both the crew figures and the base.
Thank you very much Baron.

Sorry for the delay, seasonal outside work has begun, so my trips to the bench are limited.

Cheers, Ski.

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