Lol thanks guys, I do need to revist those lights but first I needed a stand for this, not only for displaying it but also to keep it strong and rigid and handy to hold while painting. There's nothing pretty or clever here but it works really well. A simple floating shelf wall bracket was used. I will go back in and fill the gun area and maybe add the window frame canopy, which will be the old AMT Vader Tie fighter canopy....if it fits!
I bet he was... and I'm sure his wife was passing by the doorway and caught him in the act and just stood there shaking her head wondering what she married! LOL
Yeah... we know John... wait til the wife is out then you can vroom it all over the house making all the noises phew phew phew vrooooooooooommmmmmmm. Hehhehehehehehe
Ok so some more work on the lights, and using a simple plastic milk bottle I can diffuse the lights perfectly:
And I've managed this whole build not injuring myself and today the knife slipped. Be warned this kit WILL harm you lol: