Everything was first primed ,then the seats,dash & engine were coated in black ,The rest was done in a Dark Reddish/Brown .Then everything was sealed up with Klear .
Thanks T ...Sorry bro ,had to cover that colour up :
Richard ,thanks buddy . The colour is Tamiya ...I mixed Flat Brown with a touch of Red until I was happy with it ,I really dont know what ratio as I always mix by eye .
Anyhoo ,I put on a couple of coats of Hairspray ,let it dry then mixed up some pigs in a drop of water to make a paste ,I applied the paste where I want blistered areas ....as in ,where the rust is growing up underneath the paint and the paint bubbles up ,you cant see it well in these pics but you'll see it later
Figured I'd come over and post here as well. Like I said Chris, that blue color rocks...and will show the rust and weathering well. Lookimng forward to the chipping.
wow your flying along with this. its looking epic and kind of getting me in the mood to do somthing like this.. but that would mean buying a perfecly good model to do it to
A little explaination of how I've achieved the heavy rust .
I used a technique which is new to me ...actually I've never seen it done . Its basically the same as the Salt & Hairspray tech except the salt is swapped for rust coloured Pigments . Once the Hairspray is applied I mixed some pigs with a drop of water to make up a paste ,this paste is then applied where I want heavy rust . I let it dry then apply the paint in the normal way ,Then using water and an old brush gently scrub away at the areas I want to remove paint ,The pigments will also come away leaving the Brown undercoat and a wash of rust pigs .
Its the first time I've tried it and I will be using it again ;D