Hey Guy's,
I'm a scratch builder, i don't have instructions, i don't have a plan as such, sometimes this is a curse, some times this s a blessing.
My currant build came from a Tropicana Orange juice lid that looked like a thruster nozzle, so I a had to make it into one.
I tired, I really tried to make the Tamiya 1/12th Williams F1 car, a $180 kit, my Auntie Sue lives two minutes from the factory, I love this car, I love the Williams F1 team, the best formula one car ever built, before health and safety ruined everything, but building the model left me hollow. Great kit, but it was just me, weirdo, right.
I put so much stress on myself to get things right, realistic, authentic, I understand the completion rather than perfection, but F1 cars are perfect, its very difficult to fudge my mistakes with weathering and aging so there was no hiding my faults, and i produce a lot of faults and make a lot of mistakes people.
When I'm building i have no direction, you should try it, it's very scary but when everything clicks its just the best feeling
The only way to improve is to keep practicing people.
One piece of advice my Pops gave me,
"It's only finished when i say its finished" in other words, who is to say what the final product is, your could weather it back to rusted out shell if you so desired, you decide.
Just have fun
And try a scratch build my friends