How you found SMA?

I was searching through the forums on the FineScale Modeler site looking for an old post when I stumbled on a little blurb suggesting I check out something called Scale Model Addict. And, since I are one, I did. Been hooked ever since.
YouTube - found one of the videos it while looking at something else.

Stumbled acrossed it doing research for graphic novel that I am building models for ... That's where the question came from about scale compariason between jet fighters and semi trucks.
I found Scott on Starship modeler. It was on there that I learned about the videos. I suggested that Scott get his own site, and post videos on there with a link to youtube. I was probably a few more months before this site came along. I watched the videos whenever Scott would send me a link through an email. The videos were great, but I got to busy with my own projects, but after slowing down a little - I came back here to see that we have a lot more people, and threads than when I was on here last. This was almost two years ago! I'm glad to see the site take off, and the members love it. I'll be posting work as it progresses. Right now I'm in a hard place to get out of - I need to get paid for my latest commission, so I can get some casting done. This will be key to me getting off the ground with a few things I wan't to get done.
I was looking for some modeling vids on YouTube and saw his channel, the name scalemodeladdict struck me as unique so I checked it out. Then decided to check out the website, so yeah.
Youtube while looking for paint reference for my Fine Molds X-Wing... still yet to finish... or even start
I found this place thanks to youtube . Some guy "dreamknight" seemed to know what he was talking about what with airbrushing. :p
Nice! Thanks! Hey, love your rock n roll vids! Highlight of my week!

Sorry for your loss

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