Wow -- two weeks since my last update ,,
And two months since we last saw the Panther K :

I finally got the front end figured out to the point I could get the upper hull primer'd :

Need to build the radioman's periscope and armor shroud -- similar to the drivers ( only square

) ,
I initially wanted to adapt two standard periscopes for the install , but I never could get it to work without increasing the size of the blister to TOO BIG for the 100mm armor requirement ,
so it has to be a purpose built creature ...
Those cleats on the glacis are for the barrel travel-lock that I appropriated from the Jagdtiger 8)
I need to correct quite a few of those slotted , flat-head screws around the perimeter of the access plate :
. .. I used a " heat pen " with the concomitant bit ( with ) , but I had issues - -- - need more production time with it to get the feel for it ,
It has temperature settings on the power supply , but I'm pretty sure there is no feed-back loop , so it just sends a steady current to the tip .
So with the thing sitting idle , the equilibrium temp the tip reaches is way too high for the styrene .
It has a sweet spot for sure ,
but it's hard to hit and maintain .
I tried dumping heat to a heat-sink and just unplugging the thing when I knew it was hot enough ...
There ain't all that much there in that picture , but I did so much of it over and over and over
After re-watching that latest WOT Panther vid and looking at period film and stills ,
I decided to make the center-line wheel rims shiny -
I used the AK True-Metal in steel , dulled down with the weathering :
Lots of building to do - and stuff to fix .
But I want to do some camo on the hull
more fun than all this micro construction and epoxy and putty work ...
Primer will be cured enough for acrylics tomorrow ;D ;D
something you don't see too often ,