Update picks for the :
I'm still deciding whether to add borders with a medium green ( Vallejo 074 ) to the grey and yellow :-\

Most of the construction remains at the rear : fenders , air filters and trunks to the intake plenum , redirected exhaust pipes and the call-box and phone for the infantry
and the front 'bumper' needs to be 'welded' on + additional plates to protect the track , plus the chain apron ;D
Then lots of impact marks up front from 50 mm , 75 , mm , heavy MG etc .
plus char-marks and all the goodness reaped by a breakthrough tank fighting in the city center ;D
I still need to attach all the tools and spare track pairs ( she'll need them ) ... possibly omitting the gun barrel cleaning rods ,, maybe they're carried by support vehicles ..
Keeping the front half free of any stowage since it would just be shot to pieces and rendered unusable
Here's what I need to find room for --
2 tow cables ( replacing the kit's plastic cables with wire rope )
Track rope ( probably using the kit part unchanged )
Hand tools , duplex cable hooks
... the jack already has a place at the bottom of the rear bulkhead ..
The MG will not be used -- most likely put a 37 mm round thru the mounting ring atop the cupola ;D
--- lots of smaller impact marks up higher on the turret front , since the opposition will undoubtedly be aiming at the periscope for the main gun
It doesn't look like much , but I only have the rear side-quarters and maybe some of the engine deck for stowage .
She gets some stand-off skirting also , so I need to at least fabricate the frame for it before I can place the spare track etc .
Oh yeah :

-- she also gets a rack of S-mine launchers in the 'bustle' between the tail end of the counter-weight plates .
Comments , questions and straight-up derision always welcome 8)