Thank you both , gentleman ;D
Glad ya'll are watching .
I removed the
Stick-in-the-Boot TM ;D
... . no man in my squad is to be running about with said things . We are properly equipped !
As you can see , he has additional ammo stows .
The bolt-actions have been replaced with the G-43 and MP-44 throughout .
MP-40 holders remain unchanged other than additional ammo stowage
cleaning-up and opening up , and fixing phalanges :

The MB heads have chin-straps , but the detail only exists at the front so I had to sculpt in the back-side .
The Dragon heads have no chin-straps so they all need to be sculpted in :

And Repeat And Repeat And
Some disparities in scale -
All the guns are the same size across the manufacturers , but Tamiya's stick-grenades and Panzerfaust are much smaller .
The Panzerfaust came in several flavors so I'll give them a pass on that one , but the PotatoMashers are 25% undersize .
MB in yellow styrene :
Much more importantly is the small helmet size .
Tamiya's all about the giant hands and shrunken heads with these guys ...
Why I'm swapping out the two heads with some Hornet ones :
.. .. . Look how much the arm needed to move @ his left elbow to make the pose work : :

( I swear his buddy's hand was the size of his torso OOB ,,, he still needs more work too ) :
He's supposed to have the MG trained flat , but as produced you need to seriously alter one or both hands and arms to make ANY pose with that MG work .
I went with the muzzle slightly upward as it works better , so now I need to build up his right arm where Tamiya thinks the butt-stock is . was . uh ...
- so basically , the Tamiya figs are just templates out of the box ;D
I'm using #2 and #3 in this set and only #2 has a full cranium

I might replace this guy's head also --- when I get to him : ( # 3 )
.... .. . yeah . I don't think we'll be seeing that half-head again .
Cheers to Half-Head ! We'll not miss you
Hopefully everyone will be ready for a group photo at their posts this weekend .
........ just primer . No paint