Great work on those dio's guy's!!! For broken glass, find some of that clear plastic packaging you get from stores. I used the packaging form a pack of dremmel sanding drums for mine. The thickness matches 1/35 scale nicely. Use a hobby knife to suggest cracks and blown out glass.
Started building and detailing the small garage.
The glass was made by building the window frames, put them on a flat surface and add clear drying wood glue inside. When dry cut with sharp knife to represent broken glass.
Later Joolz ;D
Excellent! completely BANG ON! Can't wait to see some paint on it, love the conduit and other little details. You see something new everytime you look at it.
I'm really getting into this Dio lark.
And flying by the seat of my pants.
Started to build the stairs that will allow the ambush team access to the upstairs
Made a door to go under the stairs, Made a shelf and brackets for the garage wall as well as a railway sleeper bench for added detail
Painted the bench, made a pendant lamp shade for the garage out of plastic scrap.
Coated the foam of the garage with a mix of PVA, Builders caulking, Plaster of Paris and water, gave all the timbers a coating or two with washes.
Added the bombed out floor to the main building.
Made a base for the Dio, and checked the layout.
Later Joolz
BB that dios of the scale mate love it!!! and Mac making that brick road way is awesome just wish i knew what spackle was ???
This is shaping up to be a fantastic group build. have to admit i nearly caved in and joined in with this a few weeks ago but have resisted (just no space or time)
Hey thanks Blitz.
I am not too happy with the Zim on my tank.
I have one last idea to try but have to wait to get to the LHS to buy some green putty.
Though, the tamiya putty is getting easier to use some times.It just doesn't like to stick to the model in places I need it to stick and doesn't let go on places I need it to let go.
No worries Chas,
You should see the bag full I've collected in just building this puppy so far, plus I plan on casting hundreds of scale bricks, complete with frog, scale blocks oh and not forgetting sheets of thin plaster that can be broken up to add to the mix of rubble soup.
I am in a bit of a bind Tiger Wise.
I want to try the Green Putty thinned, but am financially embarrassed right now.
AND; I have two other GB's I am working on. . .I just cannot seem to say NO. . .
AND; I have to clean the area I was using for the dio base, which is pretty much done with all the messy parts.
I thought of that, but research shows zimmerit was applied at the factory until November of 44. . .And I wanted to do Oosterbeek in September October 44. So, I condemned myself!
It would be a nice learning experience HA!
Well, sort of, I know what doesn't work so far!
Artistic license may have allowed me an out, but oh well. . . .