Klingon Vor'cha Cruiser WIP

Thankyou chaps.

Krypto, This stuff is much easier and faster to use than tin-foil, but more expensive. It is exactly the same as foil (a bit more durable perhaps) but it comes in rolls of tape, so no messing around with white glue. You just tear it up and stick it down. If I were using tin-foil and white glue then it would be much harder to punch through the windows.

The D-7 is on my want-list also. Lots of interesting colour shemes to choose from. From classic TOS, to updated DS9, to Kronos one (Gorkon's ship from The Undisovered Country), to Romulan! It's Treks most used design.
Your talking metalized duct tape, it comes with fibre and like a foil with the glue backing- it's a great idea.
No this isn't metalized duct tape, there is no fiber in this tape at all.

It's just like he mentioned, foil tape.

so its not made for the construction industry, this is a craft product? I'm around this stuff all the time as a plumber.
It's more like the tape used on the seams of foil faced, rigid insulation.

It's simply strong foil with an adhesive on a roll.
Sorry for the confusion guys. This is what I'm using. It's about £3.50 per roll out of Maplin IIRC.

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Thanks for clearing that up- its a British product?
I'm in America- the similar metalized tapes we have either have fibre like duct tape -some of the cheap types are silvered plastic- or have a wax paper backing with a foil outer layer, that stuff is fragile and non removable once its set. You'll rip it to pieces taking it off. great idea using it for light blockage.
Yip, it's British, but there must be many products available around the globe.

There is indeed a paper backing to it. It's pretty overpriced for what it is IMO, but it's a really useful thing to have especially for this kit.
I didnt see the paper backing ,that is a type of duct tape. 3M and some others make this. And your right it is pricey- regular roll of the high quality cloth/fiber tape like the Nashua silver tape runs for around $20. I'm not talking about the half rolls you get from Lowe's.

when I applied tinfoil to stop my lightbleeding issues i stuck it on with clear silicon, if that wont work I'll break out the glue gun, that wax will hold anything!

What are you using to move this tape once it sets? We have used it insulating pipe and of course on some duct repairs (I'm a plumber, not a duct man) and once set on something it will not come off except in slivers.

And if it sticks to itself? it's done. Was yours that volatile?

Please understand all, I am not arguing here! just asking. Thanks Cr
Chip, as I said earlier this is not duct tape.

He bought it at an electronics store, it is designed to shield electronics from affecting one another, like shielding in guitar cable or cable tv wire.

Kryptosdaddy, it's cool mate. I'm glad when people take an interest in my building methods. I'm not exactly an experienced modeler so it's great when people give feedback or show an interest in what I'm doing. 8)

I literally bought this for use with this model without any idea what its intended everyday purpose is.

I just tried removing some of it from the model and it's reasonably well stuck down, but not that hard to remove small sections if I make a mistake.

If it sticks to itself, it's too brittle to seperate. Tears quite easily which is a good thing I think. I don't even need to use scissors with this stuff. Really cuts down on time.

I'd say it's performing exactly how I would expect it to. Apart from being so expensive for such tiny little rolls, I'd say it's perfect.
This is the stuff I have used. I bought it at Lowes in the tape area. I just asked one of the clerks for aluminum tape.


It was made for duct work. Sealing up the seams in air ducts. It does not have fibers. Just aluminum with a sticky side. It does have a paper backing that I have to peel off before it will stick down. And speaking of sticking down. This stuff does stick very well.

It was not that expensive either.
Nice kit ! I like that design better ! looks meaner than their other vessels...

Nice catch ! at a nice price !

and neat idea about Light blocking ! (Tape) vs light block paint !
The idea with the tape is great indeed.
And I really enjoyed those some mods You've done to the kit for better accuracy, Igard.
Well done! :)
Thanks Norm and Sol. :)

Cheers, Norm. I find the Negh'Var is the meanest looking Klingon ship. The Vor'Cha was supposed to incorporate some Federation design into the Klingon fleet. I find it hard to see myself, but I have discovered since starting research for this build, that the ship has navigation lights. Not red and green, but amber and green. Never seen that before on a Klingon vessel. Those Feds and their safety regulations, eh?!

So I've fixed the uneven join at the rear of the ship. Not sure if it's supposed to be done, but it looks better.


For some of the clear parts, I'm using some construction paper to create a border around the edges. Just helps it look better I think. I simply stuck it to the edge of the foil tape and placed it along the edges of the clear part.


I used some gold plastic from an ice cream container to get the golden-amber glow effect. It's turned out green on my camera!

I also used construction paper to create that little lattice piece. So it's clear plastic, construction paper, then backed with gold plastic. Took several hours and a couple of tries to do.


It's not perfect, but I can't work with anything smaller than this. I consider using some wire I'd cut from LEDs, but they're slightly too big and would be impossible to glue into this little area.

I notice now also that there's a piece of the paper frame at the top that looks slightly askew. I've tweaked this now and it looks straight.

Not much to do now before I start wiring!

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