Klingon Vor'cha Cruiser WIP

Thanks guys. Hopefully I'll get more chances to work on her this week. Stand by for more updates...
Very well done, Igard!
I think You should be really proud with your progress so far - You are doing excellent, and this tiny deflector or something turned out superb. Awaiting for more progress on this beauty ;D
Thanks Quaralane, Solander and Punk!

Sol, I just had look at the blueprints and apparently it's an observation platform. Why the Klingons would have any use for this is beyond me. Must be another indication of the Federation interfering in the design. ???
I've created 2 enclosures for the impulse LEDs. After attaching them, I discovered enormous amounts of light leak around the engines, and so, had to remove them and apply some black paint. I then went around the openings with some foil tape before putting in the clear plastic.

I've got one of them attached, but getting a bit bleary eyed now, so the second will get done tomorrow most likely.


And now, there's no light leak around the engines, but there is a bit right in the middle of the enclosure where I've missed a bit. I can easily slide a piece of foil in there to fix, but thought I'd show you this anyway.


Lots more coming soon....
Igard you are putting way more time an effort into yours than I did mine :).....NOW stop it!!!!!
Just kidding. It's already looking good.
It will be awesome to see her all together, and illuminated!
Looking good! One of the great things about that tape is that you can just stick it down where light is leaking....
Cheers all. :)

Yes, the tape is great. A bit laborious, but I think I'm getting faster at it now.

I forgot to mention that the power connector is in place as you can see in that first pic. :)
Excellent job dealing with the leaks, buddy! Those left on the front edge would be most probable invisible after applying layers of paint, but it wouldn't harm if You've got rid of them with the tape two - as it is said, Lord helps those who help themselves ;)
One thing I really like about standard power connectors - they are great for being a reliable detachable holder for the kit as well))
Hey thanks Sol. Those bits of leak you can see are covered now by more tape. I've put tape everywhere. Wait til you see the pics! Crazy amount of tape. I just didn't trust paint to block the light in this case as the plastic is so thin. :)
Thanks Q! :)

Well I thought I'd get alot more done over the weekend, but the Elder Scrolls needed me. Pesky dragons!

Finished all the taping, but I wish I'd put a coat of black paint on just to be sure.

Shiny, quite pretty actually.


For diffusing the light in the warp nacelle, I'm cutting up a poly bag I found. It seems ideal for the job. Just the right amount of transparency.


And the obligatory, fumbling with the camera, light test shot. Notice I'm not using clamps on this, the plastic's too thin. The whole thing just starts to bend!

Cheers guys.

@Jamaican, This, of course, is just 1 LED from the bread-board. I'm thinking I'll use 2 LEDs for each nacelle. So, probably alot brighter down the Bussard collector end.

@Grendels, personally hope I don't have to do this again anytime soon. The only really tricky bit was blocking the light from the impulse engines and to a lesser extent, making sure it was around all the seams. A coat of black paint before hand might have helped, but I hate gluing with that.

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