@smusno, very true, sir. Very true.
Ok, so I added more light blue to the mix. I'm happy with it now, but I'm quite shocked about something...
Here she is under a daylight lamp...
And here she is without the daylight lamp...
What a difference! Granted, the camera might be making it a bit more severe, but It's very noticable with the naked eye also.
I thought the daylight lamp would be useful for taking photographs, but it seems a little too intense and, well, unnatural as strange as that may sound. :-\
Very useful for working under though.
My parents also received a well known brand of luxury chocolates for Xmas. The box, for which, might make a very nice base for my ship....
I might just paint the outside of the box this time and try to give it a rock-like feel. Not sure yet...