It's been a model building weekend at long last! Just been busy for a while with another of my hobbies (modding a video game).
Here are the LEDs in place for the impulse engines.
Simply just a case of putting some foil tape over them.
Ok, now I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the wiring. It was really messy and the fibre optics gave me alot of trouble. More on that later. Here's the ship all put together.
Lots of seam filling and light leak control to do.
From the rear, I've got a bit of inconsistency with the ipulse engines (ones brighter than the other). Perhaps my hasy method of encasing the LEDs? Actually I think I know what it is. I bought 2 different kinds of red LED and I've got them mixed up. Ah well, the camera makes it look more extreme than it is, and they are Klingons, not exactly reknowned for their engineering. This ship would probably end up going round in circles! ;D
Here we can see the problem with the fibre optics. Now, it's important to note that I was going for a very subtle effect with the navigation lights. I figured, drilling very small holes with a fibre optic running to each, would produce enough light to get it just right. Bit of a miscalculation. Especiallly since there wasn't enough room for the fibre optics to sit pointing directly into the hole.
Again, the camera makes it look worse. You can clearly see the green nav light, but the amber one is very faint.
Well you know it's not one of my builds without some kind of lighting disaster. Or two.