So back on with the build after a little detour, will be bouncing back and forth between this and the Tiger...
I had been trying different thickness of tissue to get a workable solution for the thermal blanket that the Barracuda is sewn onto. Previously I had used a two-part putty - Milliput/A&B, but found that mixing it, then putting talcum powder into a plastic bag to take away the surface stickiness, followed by the mixed Milliput/A&B, then rolling it out to a workable thickness, then shaping it and making it fit, then all the cleanup while it set a PITA....
And so the tissue is the next item to try and it is two pieces as it came off the roll, cut to size and a solution of PVA and water 50/50 approx. The tissue is held in place with the PVA and a soft brush used to gently apply more PVA. There is no quantity of PVA, just keep putting it on untill the tissue is soaked but not dripping as the water will take away the tissue by disolving it.

And here it is above wet and being shaped and gently pushed into place and will be left overnight to dry...

And this is it now dry and ready for trimming and removing carefully, and in one piece - hopefully...
More later,