Hello everyone!
Sorry for my long absence, the wedding and the honeymoon trip took a bit of my time, but now I'm finally back guys, and as Leighbo has kindly recommended would try my best not to let little things like getting married and moving house get in the way! ;D ;D
I'm currently in a very middle of a move, so can't devote much of my time to sitting at the workbench, as I don't have any workbench yet.. But I still have some wip pics in my pockets to show for you, guys, to enjoy, and I'll try my best to split them into several updates till the time I'll be able to make some more progress on this project.
@derex3592: What i can definetely say now is that i find this kit one of the perfact kits to build with a better half as an "us-activity" - it will look great even built oob, and it has a really little number of problem spots, so good choice, mate!
@ Igard: thank You very much, buddy. And as for Luke's lucky spoting the ships on the sky - let's asume the Force has been guiding him. Or simply luck, as Han would have said. Overall, in all the films of the Saga, the heroes business would have gone terrible if not those TONS of luck they had received
@ YOULI: Thank You very much for sharing this link! Those pics are extremely usefull indeed, especially the super-detailed pics of the cabin. Will be using these materials in my project a lot!
@ Grendels: 100% same thing with me now, mate. Hang on, bro, and just imagine how sweet it is going to be to sit at the bench again ;D (though I think You already have and not once by the time this is posted)
And many thanks to everyone for your kind congratulations from both me and my wife!!
On the rights of an announcement: some model-related stuff from our honneymoon trip is being prepared for posting in the next update.
As for now, let us get at the new pics with no further waiting:
The left engine (the one without a covering panel) received some uber-detailing with different wires and plastic tubes
The cabin is complete with totally reworked seats, control panels and everything. I gave myself some artistic license to make the controls look a bit more comlex and hope that I've managed to give it the feel of a muscle-car, which the X-34 actually is in the Star Wars Universe
The part on the back of the speeder was partially scratchbuilt to correct the faulty linear form it initially had
I've also done the damage on the nose and the right pylon of the vehicle to resemble the studio model
With that the basic modular construction is complete, and the different parts are waiting for the primer, assembly and covering the gaps. I would also have to fully complete the cabin before that, as painting it with the whole model assembled would be extremely tricky.
Drawing a conclusion, I've also started to work on the Luke's figure, trying to depict him standing and watching on the Tatooine skies