Mak " GIRAFFE " -- ECM Camel

It'll all pull together when you dirty, dusty, wear it out,oil drips out of all that hydraulics
It just looks too clean lol
;D ;D Thank you Quaralane .

I didn't get to the pilot today but I think everything on the roof is complete now .
The only construction left will be re-installing the MagNut TM 2.o and completing the scissor-lift .

..... and filling in some other kit 'holes' :p

One of which is where the cockpit hose bundle connects to the fuselage .

This thing(s) :


It can't help but leave a gap - - you know ; that whole square-peg-round-hole thing


best I can do with this camera :p there's a gap where it connects AND there's not enough volume in the fuselage there to convince me it's ready to receive all that :( .. gotta build something .
gonna be fun working in there ( ! )

I considered another route initially but that rigid piece of 4 ' pipes ' or whatever is what keeps the cockpit from rolling face up .
gotta address that and the gap where the kit hose connects to the kit's center roof tank :


PICS : ( some redundancy -- trying to find what this camera likes . Sometimes setting the mode on " night " helps -- sometimes not )


Paint and Paint tomorrow . Looking at these pics now I think the ossicone antennae need some white striping ...

Blend Blend Blend will be Monday's call

;D ;D

at least I know that I really need to build a light box .
probably cheaper than buying another camera


Wow. That is looking very cool.

The canopy is still it's natural tint? At some angles you already seem to get a nice reflective quality.
Hey Hagoth ;D Thanks !
Yeah - That's the virgin MoonScreen TM

Here she is again -- pretty decent tint OOB :


She is a beauty :D

Flawless .
Perfect .
( making me think of The Fifth Element ;D )

You maybe can see the perimeter is raised on the exterior , serving as the frame .
I'm guessing that border will be painted to match the cockpit and the interior face painted black .

I haven't experimented with any coating for silver tint yet .
I see Testors has a 'smoke' rattle-can for window tint .
I skimmed thru some car builder blogs but they were all just the dark smoke effect . :-\
but I haven't seen one that's a silver tint -- to be fair I haven't searched all too hard , just my normal sources .

I'm going to try a mix of that Vallejo Metallic Medium I showed off a few pages back with Future and whatever else - pigment , dye etc :p :p ::) ::) ..

I'm hitting the hay !
Please tune in again tomorrow :D

Ciao ,
Thanks , Jason . ;D awesome

NASA ::)
You need to brush up on your Maschinen Krieger , brother ;)

NASA's been bankrupt for the last millennium ;D ( like 900 yrs )

Speaking of NASA though ;

I had completely forgotten about this piece of plastic from a 1/72 Revell Space Shuttle with ISS parts - it's one of the payload pieces .

Early on I planned a counter-mass for the scissor assembly and ECM package that will sit atop it . ( it's gonna open like a flower . 3 'petals' folded in skew-divergent --- pics soon )


I was using it last month to mix paint ;D -- I always like to get the fullest from my inventory .
Especially donor kits . Make them suffer :D


It would be a power pack / battery
I think it needs to be a little shorter -- by around 1/3

Cheers !
El MoMo
2001 . movie still looks fantastically convincing even today . ;D

I corrected my year count from my previous post .
200 years ??? sleep deprivation ? corrected to 900 , sorry to anyone confused by that .

The MaK universe is certainly 'warlike' in way 8)

Look .
I cut into it and there was a wheel inside :

If we're still around in 900 years, we probably won't need the cockpit- or at very least, a clear bubble would be a huge liability from blinding lasers
Though I'd love to see that bubble gold mirrored (like NASA helmets) with a big happyface in black on it!
I saw a motorcycle helmet like that once- like Pac-Man meets Ghost Rider!
;D ;D Now your'e talkin .

I was shooting for silver tint ,,, but I keep wanting that gold foil somewhere on this .

I'm liking the gold MoonScreen TM route 8) 8) 8)

I need to find the best way to do that ... It must stay transparent

" Pac-Man meets Ghost Rider " ;D I hear you Starring Nick Cage , of course
I'm not going that direction with this one , BUT ;D ..

I was planning on finishing the A-10 next -- that one is going to have a pretty zowza splinter -combo pattern . That one will be fun with COLORS . I'm done with the B&W of this thing myself . .

I'm going to scratch sometin up for my new friend Jason for his first Christmas @ SMA ;D ;D ;D

And it's gonna be sportin a whole lotta this stuff :


:eek: :eek: :eek:

I have no idea just now What -- but something will happen -- and I have plenty of 'stuff'

Hee Hee

Herr Momo
Sweet! In return, I'll trick out a Mecha Collection (Yamato series) ship for your approval
I actually started last night after posting on that thread

Can't wait to see what you come up with!
;D ;D

I dumped this out of one bin ..
Looks like there's enough variety and definitely enough material :


I'll only be using material that's in this pile ( wish there was more rod :p ) ... there's a bunch of little greebles in that container at back :


BONUS !! colored and clear " glass " ;D :


Truly a multi-media bonanza 8)

I'll start a new thread as soon as it starts gelling and I can name it ! ;)

Happy Merry
Killer. The figure in the plastic bin looks to be planting a flag- you could print the Scale Model Addict logo and make a great flag from it.
A dystopian future ruled by modelers
Micro-Sol Rules !


The Christmas Scratch has moved to,12882.0.html
battery pack installed :


Boring ;)

But ;D I re-installed the MagNut TM 2.0


Way better IMO .
This wiring hangs like I want and the extended loop antennae allows for metric calls :eek:


Thanks , John ;D

I've been working on the pilot .
The Giraffe is pretty much done ...

It needs :

The aft tank needs to be strapped down .
Just received these beautiful 2 & 3 mm seat-belt material , Tuner Model Manufactory :

What ?? ! No buckles ? ! :mad:


The scissor assembly needs completion .
More resin bolts now on hand :


I've built-up and cut-down and built-up this pilot- dude ::) more than enough ...
from No Butt to Giant OOmPaLoomPa Butt ::)
Weird sock-legs
to .....

I think I'm back where I started :p ;D
.... but I couldn't be because I removed quite a bit of styrene ..
any way -
been staring at it too much

Figuring , now , if I should cut away that harness and - I have to sculpt all new belting anyway .
But I'm thinking that remainder around his shoulders is the cockpit harness ..
not something he'd be trouncing around the hanger-deck in


:p :p :p :p
Hopefully be finishing him up this week

The whole thing still needs filters and washes ..

Then they're going into a Moon Hanger dio with an overhead bridge-crane and most likely a wheeled handling tractor with a boom .
The Giraffe will be sitting on wheeled skids to make it easy to tow around in the hanger .
Probably have a mechanic or two

I'd like to enter it @ Modelmania this year - 2016
The end of April .

never switch to decaf
Nice build, your camo scheme reminds me of Eddie van Halen's guitar from the 80s! All the extra bits you're adding will really set this apart.

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