Mak " GIRAFFE " -- ECM Camel

Amazing scratching, Momo!

That strap material that you bought--it looks similar to the plastic strapping used to tie up cartons of copier paper. Next time we take a load of it at work, I'm going to salvage a couple of pieces, for just such an occasion.

I have a box full of used cable ties, too, zip ties. I've used them to replicate ammo chutes in smaller scales.
Hey , Baron ;D
Thanks !

I also stockpile anything that might be useful
.... I think I should stop holding on to spent lighters , , , but what happens when I need 94 rocket stages ??!!! ;D

I've never seen paper wrapped with anything other than more paper :p

Throw up a pic if you get a hold of it .
Is it soft ?

I've always thought the zip-ties looked like machine-gun belts - aside from their aspect ratios .
You trim'em down ?

Cheers ,

All right .

I've been going round and round with what I seemed to think was going to be an easy connect the dots with this figure modification :p :p

I'd get it looking good - mostly - but looking at it from a different angle , and it was all screwy . ::)
subtract addd

add :p ::) ::) :-\ ??? ??? ???


I think I have the form now finally .

-- I still need to do the folds/wrinkles and of course the belts pocket ...

I really think I need to trim the shoulder mass - assuming that's the cockpit harness .
.. . he's got that rigid ring around the neck where the helmet connects and I think that's screwing with me --
;D He looks better with his arms on BUT I need to make sure this is correct first .

I can use some honest feed-back here
Tell me what you think :D

They technically are a tad short .

I just reposed what Kow had ( well - I assume he did the figure ??? )
When I was trying to get it to gel , I finally checked the proportions :p

But ,
You'd need to be a liitle guy just to fit in the thing - and who knows what the future holds ;D

Anywaze - It's not enough to bust him apart .
I think some of the issue is with the mass around the shoulder area --- I'll do some whitttling
Maybe not :p

his head is 11 mm -- 88 mm tall ish closer to 12.5 , so 100 mm



but his body scales well ..

Looks like it's right .
MoonScreen TM gold-tinting in progress 8)

Going light coat after coat

Calligraphy ink in Future ...
..... they didn't have gold , but this brass is the ticket :


5 coats in :


Staying fairly transparent - about 11 coats :



should be where it needs to get sometime tomorrow ;D
This method is the way --- I'll be buying more of these inks for sure .
They're a bit pricey but they have some freaking intense colors and beautiful metallics ;D

Wow! That looks nice! That is looking about perfect to me at the 11 coat stage. This transparent metallic tinting technique could come in very handy for some projects of my own ...that are way down the list.

How did you come up with your technique? When you mention Future you mean the floor polish wax correct? What is your recipe and where did you source the inks?
hey , Hagoth ;D

Yeah -- the floor polish

this stuff :


Using it exclusively on the Rabid Empanada -- now the Color Modulator -- mxed with dyes and inks .

After mixing , brushing and spraying this stuff --- I really like it -- I just figured suspending any metallic in it and modulating the mix and application would work .

Yesterday morning I went to Hobby Lobby and snagged this brass ink .
There were some wicked cool colors and metallics !! but I couldn't afford to splurg ;D

I just started mixing little by little and test spraying ..
You need to go slow - every coat adds a super small amount of metal .
If you go only slightly too fast it just looks like a gold paint :(

:p :p :p :p This morning it looked fantastic - all even and only needing some more coats .
I splashed a big blob of straight Future out of my paint-cup into it .....
it went downhill from there ..... ::)

I stripped it completely off , with brush cleaner , and started over about 4 hours ago 8)

The good news is that I'm doing a better job this time around . Nothing like experience ;D

Here's what the mixture looks like ( it actually looks exactly like OJ after it settles for a bit ;D ) :


.. and the MoonScreen , currently :


I'm really digging this Future cooking 8)
I picked up a silver-gray acid dye -- that I'm using on the Color Modulator -- it produces a very cool , pearlescent color with a lot of depth .. ;D

... and no top-coat necessary -- it's nothing BUT top-coat ;)

Cheers ,
... I haven't hit it in a few hours -- since the last posted pic above ..

I think I might stop right here .
guessing I only hit it about 6 times . .
kinda glad I screwed up and stripped it off :p
This round is much more even ...


probably needs two or three more passes ...


It's just a trade-off between a more intense gold and transparency
... almost there ...
Doesn't take much to put down too much :p

I'll sleep on it

or have to start all over again ::) :eek:

( .. see how those hoses that flank the cockpit essentially terminate nowhere ? :mad: . This kit has quite a few of these issues -- I mentioned it earlier . . .. need to scratch-a -greeblie ;D )
I'd be tempted to leave it right the way it is. 8) There is just enough gold to be reflective (your image holding the phone shows that) yet you can still see shape and shadow through it. That is so cool! I'll have to pay a visit to the local hobby Lobby next week. ;D

What ratio of ink to future do you think you ended up with?
;D ;D ;D

I have no idea what kinda ratio - with this ink or the other dyes :p

trial and error . It never takes much

This one is that little bottle 1/2 full with Future and probably 25 drops of ink - about . ::) ???

that little bottle of ink will last forever ;D

One thing that I've found by continuously working with this stuff is that you need to let it cure for at least 4 or more hours for airbrush coats or much longer for heavy , brush application orr you'll get into trouble :p
( the bottle tells you 8 hours for re-coat on floors )

You can get away with 2 or 3 coats in short succession ( 20 min interval ) but when it seems dry , there is still a significant amount of solvent present ( glycol ether ) after the water evaporates and the subsequent layer will put the prior one(s) back into solution . ... this can be problematic ;D
The effect is cumulative , so more coats mean way more dry-time .

it's better to wait more than an hour between layers - and even then , you might need to stop for 8-12 hours if the solvent level starts to creep up .. .. it does not behave like regular acrylic paint . It has a whole mess of additives - all to help it do the floor job of course ( no artists in mind ) :


WHAT ?! No proto-matter ?!

Good Grief ! No wonder it's so clear ::)

There were some really wicked cool metallics in that ink brand ;
Copper-coated gold , chrome , nickel , copper .... ;D

Let me know what you get

Cheers ,
Thanks , Q

I've hit it a couple more times today .
Super light , dry , very quick shots ...

It looked even better this morning .
As that Future totally cures it gains the full transparency and the whole piece changes for the better .

I'm only trying to add just enough metallic to even out the 'gold' .
It looks a little too grainy currently .

Cheers ,
Looks INCREDIBLE. Much better than your usual crap. ((Kidding! Kidding!))

You should paint the pilot as Watley from The Martian- it'd be funny and look great.

I definitely need to do something with the pilot -

I've been thinking more ' old-school '
Like this Soviet stuff :

It's interesting stuff ;)

I should have assembled the pilot -- at least his arms -- before I got all bent-round with the leg confusionism ;D

I had to remove quite a lot from his shoulder area ,, the zone that was giving my head problems .
Plus , I straightened up his gate so he isn't sprinting to catch his ride ;)

Anywaze -
Here he is now .
He doesn't look snow-suited out in person ::)

I'm using the Russian suit above for reference


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