Thans guys! ;D
I worked on the canopy and a bit on
the lower hull. On the canopy i just
added some of the same evergreen
sheet i used on the side walls of the
tub. So it has a matching design wanted
it to have sort of a padded look.This mod
will not allow me to use the clear canopy
part that came with the kit, that's
ok i will go with out the clear part like the
original filming miniature.
On the lower hull i added a piece of polystyrene
at the back to close off the area like it is on
the filming miniature, i also used some Apoxie
Sculpt to fill in the runners that span to the front.
You can see a gap the way the kit was designed
and it was pretty bad, so I felt i needed to do something
about that. At the front of the lower hull it comes up short
and you can see a gap there also, so again I added some polystyrene
to even it up.This also allows for a gluing surface to the top hull
where there wasn't one there before.