Merseajohn's Corellian YT-2400 'outrider' 1/72 Resin


For Spud: I was once Merseajohn
Jan 4, 2011
Hey guys, after stiching my fingers back on after manically building for the contest :-X I decided to crack on with the Corellian YT-2400 'Outrider' from the stash. Its a nice big resin kit, its 1/72 in scale and I'v been after it for about a year. I'm currently reading shadows of the empire and loved the game years back on the N64 so this will be a fun build for me.
First off is cleaning up and removing the windows from the cockpit (allthough it came in clear resin I wanted it to be the same as my falcon.)
I used my dremell to drill out the window then a lot of sanding and filing!
Then onto the cockpit, Nearly all the parts have been taken from the AMT Falcon, the console and front parts are from fm x wing landing gear and tank/helicopter parts.
Primed and test fitted.
Fine molds Luke from the 1/72 falcon, transformed (sort of :-\) into Dash Rendar the pilot (still need to scratch build 'leebo' his droid).
And overall parts display.
Enjoy! and as always feedback/ideas/comments welcome!
Sweeeeeeeeet kit!
I've had plans to buy it.. actually still have if I manage to find one. But that voice in my had "Maaan, you've got kits to build for 20 years - stop enlarging the stash, keep the money for other things" well and everything like that, You know it, stopped me. So every time I see this grail I'm green with envy ;D
Maybe You've seen this, bud, but check this out, this guy's work is awesome: made me allmost a cucumber)))))
Ha you make me laugh Solander! Yeah that guy is a machine!! Am I right in thinking he made the rebel base hanger? I'm actually using his as a one of my refrences, and I'm going to try and light mine and use(steal! ;)) his idea of falcon lights at the back. I want to replace the engines with fine molds falcon ones also like he has done
But I cannot for the life of me find anyone with that kit part (A8) thats willing to cast me a copy :-\
Maybe You could try this:

they have clear nozzles kit, just the same parts as from the FM-MF. And the guy holding this site is very friendly, so, maybe, he could cast You only one part You need to lower the price.
P.S:And if You mean the Rebel hangar on Hoth dio (a huge one with 1/72 Falcon and X-Wings), I think You're right, it was him.
Yeah that hanger is awsome, thanks for the link but unfortunately thats not the part im after its the round (fan?) thats on the top at the back. IMG_0806-Copy.jpg
Thats off the back of my Fine molds falcon & I want to get the photo etch aswell.
Oh Yeah !! Rock-On !! Cool startin out. I'm lookin forward to seein' this !

Resin Illuminati - That Site is Sick !! That's th 1st. time I've looked at it. Dude Man's Corelian YT is Lookin' Very Cool !!

Lookin' at that Fan on th FM Falcon is givin' Me some Ideas for th Falcon that I have waiting in th Wings ..... Admittedly - It's th ROTJ AMT Falcon. I might have to call on ya' for some pointers ;)

Rock-On !! What ..... No updates yet ?? ;D
That Outrider's going to look nice once you get her all dolled up.
Nice work on the cockpit, reminds me of what I did with my ancient AMT Falcon build years ago
I do like them big kits!!! HA HA! whats great about these expanded universe kits is that you can use alot more artistic license instead of going for exact screen accuracy.
Thats right mate, in the book it describes it a nice clean chrome :p ship, but in the fmv on the pc game it was quite clearly grimey. :) All the refrence I have is the cover on the box and a couple of snapshots of game footage.
Nice kit! Looking forward to watching this.

I think I remember this from X-Wing Alliance on the PC.