Thanks alot chaps! heres another update, managed to scratch 'leebo' whilst it was raining today!
Needs some more work and weathering etc but here he is:
Thanks Q, but your right, that always happens in scale modeling doesnt it. We spend so much time on parts that once built you cant even see. Thats all the fun though, we know there in there!
Thanks Mike/Grendels/java! Made a little more effort tonight, managed to get the fibre optics installed (a little big but I ran out of the size down on the falcon):
Then I had to figure out how to run the power through it??? so I had to do a bit of drilling, hopefully both holes will be covered up :-\.
It took me a looooong time and I almost gave up trying to get the pesky wires through, but I made a little hook out of brass which made it much easier!
Great Work !! NIce touch on th lights ! It really gives it character !! I really Dig th Ship's lines !! I'm keepin' My eyes on this one Bro !!! Rock-On !!
Thanks so much for the kind comments guys!! Really helps you chug on with your model! And punkpigpen your right about the primer mate I'v gone through half a can allready on this! probably going to switch back to the old stuff, the tamiya primer is expensive. Might have the base coat on the cockpit done by tomorrow so ill post a few pics then.