Merseajohn's Corellian YT-2400 'outrider' 1/72 Resin

Hey Herd! Another update. I'v drilled a way a deeper hole inside the cockpit walkway so I can fit the led, the whole light needs to be inside the walkway because I cant bend the fibre optics up.
No biggie just alot of resin dust for me to breath in! ::) (and yes I did drill it with those wires still in there!)
Iv Also added a guitar string and part of a tank track (rubber) from a tamiya 1/35 German Hanomag kit.
Oh and it appears that I am an addict now because this is my 250th post! now wheres my fix! :-X
SoooWeet !! Great Use of th Hanomag trax !! Those will look PHAT when They are weathered !! I can't wait to see it all together & weathered !!
My awesomness-scanner meets the edge of resolution when I'm watching this build ;D
Great work!
And congrats on your initiation into Addicts, I myself have lost that happy moment)))
Thanks Eric/Solander/Q, Hoping to have some actual 'colour' on this by the end of the weekend, cant wait to weather it aswell!
Cheers for the comments guys, sprayed some of the base coat on the cockpit, seems a little 'creamy' to my eye but its the same mix as the falcon (humbrol grey 147 & 28 mixed 50/50) which seems to be the right colour for corellian ships! Heres a pic of it next to the cockpit walkway (primered) what do you guys think?
The cockpit colour looks good to me, though I've never done a Falcon before (nor an outrider for that matter).

I think it was an inspired choice putting that tank track on the walkway. It looks great. I think it needed a bit of detail there.
Thanks guys, heres it connected together with the lights installed, It wasnt easy getting the resin drilled out for the lights ::) Also I'm a bit confused beacause I'v been using the same paint but the cockpit and walkway are different shades? I'm thinking its beacuase I didnt mix it enough?
Anyway heres a quick snap:
Looks great, John. Can't discern any difference in colour from your photo. Have you looked at it under daylight to be sure?
If you want some extra reference on the colour and details, there was a book called "Secrets to the Shadows of the Empire". It was the 'art of' companion to the game and graphic novel. I used to have a copy that i'd be more than happy to scan and sent through however i leant it to friend a while back (he was making a dash rendar costume) and never got it back. You should be able to torrent/download a digital copy though. it might help as the reference on the outrider are not as abundant as other ships.
Looks awesome!
And the difference in shades is so little, that I can see it only on the pic from Your by Thu Aug, 04, 2011, on the recent one it is invisible.
I think, that if You still want to fix it, it can be easily done with several molecules of pain, to make a color gradient from one shade to another, without a need to paint all the build through. With the slight shades difference it gives a wonderful optic effect, that You'd never be able to distinguish one shades frm another. Tried this a couple of times myself.

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