Monogram 1/48 B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay

Not sure what happened but when I sprayed the wing with Tamiya AS-12 it bubbled and started to peel when dry.
I believe the spray is lacquer and I'm not sure which primer I used. It could've been Rustoleum or Tamiya. I don't remember.

How much are you spraying down and are you doing one coat only ?
I do spray the whole thing in one coat. Maybe a couple of light coats is the answer? IDK
I have always painted in one coat and this is the first time this has happened. It is a different paint though.
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Well ,
that crinkling looks like if an additional coat , or more , is sprayed over too quickly atop the first coat .
That stuff is mega-solvent heavy --> msds as.pdf
and if it's overtopped too quickly there's enough solvent still in the lower coat(s) to push up thru the new film .
But ,
if that's only one coat I have know idea what's up unless you're spraying it on too heavy , which behaves the same , the surface starts forming a film while the excess paint beneath is still full of all that solvent that hasn't made it out

I know you let the primer fully cure , so we know that isn't the culprit , and that means it's not from a surface contaminate .

High humidity will do that too
Temperature extremes ,
Anything that causes the surface to dry much faster than the uncured thickness below it .
Thanks Keith. I appreciate the help.
I spray outside and it's been 100+° outside. That could be it or I'm just heavy handed. LOL

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