DXM said:
Scott Girvan said:
I just got done watching a movie called CONVICTION. Stars Hillary Swank.
Don't want to give it all away but man, WHAT A STORY. True story too.
It just blows my mind - such love.
Saturday night, watched BATTLEFIELD EARTH
It just blew chunks - Such #$&@$ ;D
Well it wasn't that bad, just John Revolta's acting was a little over the top.
Battlefield earth is a GOOD movie. I know its the but-end of a lot of jokes, and is considered the worst movie all time..but i think its mostly from people who have not seen it. There is some Laughable scenes..but i think it was made that way on purpose to be entertaining.
I think a lot of the bad rap comes from John Travoltas and Forest Whitakers Unusual acting in the film, and from the fact that the story was written ny L. Ron. Hubbard..., I happen to be a big fan of his writing.