Starboard nacelle pennant masked:
IMG_5105 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
After secondary mask for the yellow thingy was applied and painted:
IMG_5106 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Mask removed:
IMG_5107 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Secondary hull pennant masked and painted red using a brush:
IMG_5108 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Tamiya tape is applied over the seams between the secondary masks and the the primary masks on each side of the "boomerang" thingy on the nacelle and secondary hull pennants to prevent bleed. This is covered in Brett's instructions:
IMG_5109 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
White enamel is brushed on as an undercoat prior to airbrushing with insignia yellow:
IMG_5110 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Portside pennants finished and unmasked:
IMG_5112 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Moving onto the spine pinstripes I cut out the kit decal, which was the same length as the mask, and used it as a template to mark the locations of the three lights:
IMG_5113 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Here the hole locations have been transferred from the decal to the mask film using an ink pen:
IMG_5114 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
I used a sharp exacto knife to cut cross-hatches over the hole locations and applied the mask to the spine using my old spudger tool to tamp it down. Then I brushed on some Future, waited a few minutes, and tamped it down some more. A little of the Future flowed under the edges to seal the mask and help stick it down tighter:
IMG_5116 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
IMG_5117 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
After painting the mask was removed. The stripes were clean and uniform. I was very pleased to say the least:
IMG_5120 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
The other pinstripes on the saucer were masked and painted. This was a bit tricky as you need to trim the mask to fit around the accelerator in the back and the base of B-C deck in front. Some re-masking with Tamiya tape and touchup with a brush was required but in the end I was happy with the results:
IMG_5119 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
That's it for now. Tomorrow I hope to finish the upper saucer and that should do it for the painting masks. Then I'll work on the remaining small decals.
Now for the upper saucer... today's progress...
Was gonna be about 90 degrees out in the garage with a hot car next to me later so I was movin' and shakin' in the mornin'...
I decided to work on the big name and registry first so laid down the masks for both. The bottom of the name needed to align with the top corner of the N and 1 below them. I aligned them with a soft ruler:
IMG_5122 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
I had one corner on the N that tore a little so I covered it with Tamiya tape. The first 1 was strangely fatter towards the top than the bottom, maybe I streched it out with all the positioning and re-positioning I did to get it aligned properly with the almost invisible gridlines. Regardless, after failing to fix it by peeling up and repositioning the vinyl I laid a narrow strip of scrap vinyl mask down and covered the seam with Tamiya tape:
IMG_5123 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Name and registry masked off:
IMG_5124 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
After a shot of flat black I pulled up the masks. Some of the paint pulled away in places and I needed to fix the letters with a brush. Here you see where I masked the spots to be retouched:
IMG_5125 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
After retouching. Not bad...
IMG_5126 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
I mixed some olive drab, white, yellow, and pale green to paint the panels on either side of the accelerator. I got a pretty close match to the decal I think:
IMG_5127 by
trekriffic, on Flickr
All I have left to mask and paint at this point is the red border around the yellow panel on top of B-C Deck. That will have to wait until tomorrow when the yellow paint will be fully dry.