Progress progress.. all in the name of progress or so to speak.
So far Today I was able to get a bunch done as far as assembly goes. I broke it down into about 4 main sub assemblies and a few smaller sub sub assemblies.
The main Hull of the aircraft, in the instructions from the very beginning calls for the hull to be dry fitted and taped together but not glued, this is I guess important because certain parts like the cock pit need to be completed and then fitted in to place threw the bottom . The only issue I have with this is that it's hard to properly fit the hull which is in two half's together until some point later in the build which means any seams or alignment issues can't be handled until alot of other delicate work is also fitted into place. This is gonna make painting and masking a bit of a pain.
Also the instructions seem to fail at telling you at what point the tape is removed and glue is applied so thats gonna take some figuring.
The other sub assemblies include the wings, empennage (tail section), and power plant with minor assemblies being the cockpit landing gear and ejection seat which I have each mostly built.
Lastly will be the weapons payload which will be a lot of work as this beast carries a lot of bad guy party favors