New to model forums, but not to the hobby...

Oct 16, 2021
Greetings one and all.

I'm Tam, owner of a sincere scale model habit, a youtube channel and high blood pressure. I suspect the last two are related.

Sufferer of ADMD. Not a pro by any means nor a 'Master modeller'. I do it simply because I love it. Results will vary, but that's all part of the fun. Sometimes...

My own harshest critic, never actually listens to my own advice, my own worst enemy when it comes to finishing models (LOL whats 'finishing models'), spends more time making youtube videos now than actual models (start a youtube channel they said, it'll be fun they said...) 0.o

Anyway... Hullo *waves*
just having my lunch, then will post some armour and aircraft i have done. Most of my figures sadly got broken when i moved house, because apparently, FRAGILE THIS HAS DELICATE MODELS IN on a box in big red letters, was still not enbough for my father to see when he was loading the van.
"The goal is COMPLETION, not perfection." - I like this. and this is certainly the case with the thunderjug i just finished. oh man, did that become an albatros around my neck.

"Welcome to the forums, and aren't we all our own worst critic? I know I am." - Thank you. And i guess we are, its hard to tell though, I've kinda avoided model forums for a lot of reasons, mostly due to not thinking my models are good enough by comparison really, but then i guess this goes back to the first point.

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