Afternoon Herdsters,
Thanks again for all the positive feedback, it really is very encouraging.
So whats been happening, well, Thursday evening i dislocated my shoulder (again, thats 3 times) swatting a fly, so have done a limited amount of work on the MK1 this weekend. But the good news is i am going to have surgery on the 4th of October, that should sort me out a bit. I've already had it done on the left in 2001.
But enough of me grizzlin 'n' moanin, on with the show, PIX
First, let me show you a few pictures of the 95% completed fairings from the video.
This is the outside edge, the picture was taken outside in natural light
This is with the fairings attached to the main body and with the engines and front intakes in position
And the front intake
This is my favourite shot from underneath, this little beast looks like its got a wee bit of power behind it.
And from the front
I then concentrated on the front underside navigation and communications array, this will be under the cockpit in the front
Made this little do-dad but it didn't fit somehow, so i decided it would be useful later on as the laser load guide sensor for the back end of the ship.
Started the navi/com array with my usual tub and a piece from the Federation STAP model
Added wires and other details, trying to make it look feesable and interesting
I love this front radar dish, its made from an eye washer cup with half a toy Darth Maul light saber as the receiver inside
Then a layer of dark grey primer and a top coat of flat aluminium and the two external side pieces that will
(hopefull) intergrate easily into the existing bodywork
And finally with two supports for additional antennas 'n' stuff
And thats where i'm at now, trying to figure out the location of a few more antenna pylons,
cuz you can never have enough antenna's
Thanks for stopping by, as all ways comments welcome
The Nylon Gaggles McGee
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