Greetings My Herd like Brethren,
Igard said:
Those engine exhausts look magnificent Gag!
And I bet they smell minty fresh.
Thanks buddy, remember, if it ain't screwed down i intend to use it on this thing.
stretch said:
I appreciate that sir.
Glorfindel said:
Looking good mate. NG, you kitting this?
Not sure if your joking or not? ;D LOL
I'm not entirely sure i understand the "kitting" process? I assume they make a blank from my master somehow, i would be interested if someone could explain it to me.
But let me tell you this is a big sucker, currantly tipping the scales at 17 pounds.
Grendels said:
Thank you 'G Man', hope the wedding was spectacular my friend, i missed your video updates, welcome back sir.
adampolo13 said:
Okay, so I know you can't rush genius but can you please finish thing thing already!!! I can't wait to see the final product, holy smokes is thing cool!
Trust me, i'm as impatient as you buddy to see this thing come together but thats the thing with scratch building, you have to make EVERYTHING, there are no short cuts or quick fixes. The engine tubes for example, in a kit, 2 halves, BOSH, glued together, fill that seem, sanded, primered, good to go. On this thing i have an idea in my head and some basic stetches but i have to locate the right sized materials, experiment with what looks good in relation to the body and the engines i want to put inside the tube, mock up some ideas in cardboard, cut & shape the tubes and styrene sheet, glue in position add layer after layer, fill, sand, fill again, sand again .......... you get the picture, i'm boring myself just typing it. As for Genius, you must of mistaken me for someone else who is a genuis, but thanks for the compliment.
ModelMakerMike said:
This is coming along super nicely.
The lights really do add a lot. And all of your crazy details. Those engines are super kewl!
;D ;D ;D
Thanks for stopping by Mike, appreciate the comments, i think you can go over the top with lights, i'm happy with my 'real world' set up, after all 'Less is More' as they say, whoever 'They' are?
Quaralane said:
Very nice progress on this
Thanks 'Q', progress is slow but steady, thanks for stopping by.
So, whats i bin doin then me old chums?
Needed to finish the engine tubes. Had to build up the back section into some sort of 'cool' shape. Added a top,
Added some layers for thickness,
Small angled piece on the inside face,
Rough cleaned everything up
Finish sanded everything then started on the sides which were also finish sanded
Filled everything ready to "blend baby, Blend"
Whilst waiting for the putty to dry, used double sided tape and aluminium foil on the inside of the rear engine tubes, with the lights in position it looks perfect,
Back to the engine tube
Sanded all the filled bits smoooooth
The new back section
Re-filled with bondo and re-sanded even smoooooother
Finally, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm primer
i intend to skin the underside, but i think i will panel the top, not 100% sure yet.
Well thats all folks, thanks for stopping by
And remember , Yes, We have NO bananas.
I think i've sniffed too much sanding dust today ;D
McGaggles, OUT