Hello Folks,

I am truely humbled by your comments, thank you so much guys, as i've said before, the motivation i take from the comments of such a talented group of people real encourages me to lift my game every time i sit down at my work bench. And to know i have achieved my goal of feasability with this design makes me a very happy camper ;D ;D ;D
stretch said:
Yep. You definitely win. no more scratchbuilding for me either
Please Don't give up mate, you must continue to scratch because seeing your progress incourages me no end my friend, besides i think everyone should try a stratch built project every once in a while ;D
Fruit said:
It's the sheer amount of construction work that you put into this model that makes me respect you ten fold!
I mean, I love the paintwork a lot of our forum members do, but I see making a model from basic elements -
formed, shaped, the works, a much more grueling and much more impressive task. I mean, when one just
literally builds the model, surely one feels a greater attachment.
Do continue to impress sir, do continue! ;D
Thanks Fruit, after watching your WIP's with just paper ,.... just friggin paper man

, I wouldn't even know where to start with a paper model
I very, very much appreciated this comment from a man of your talents
TRM said:
Thanks Mr. TRM
Scott Girvan said:
That detail is very, very awesome. It sure adds a TON of interest.
Thank you so much Mr Boss Man sir 8)
MrT said:
This project is just fantastic!!!!!!
Terry 8)
Fanx very muchley Tezza ;D
Igard said:
Love it! Outstanding work MacGagver. Outstanding!
Top drawer.
i love the MacGagver name mate

Thanks buddy, glad you like it, but i still got an awful long way to go yet ;D so i hope there's some help in that top draw you speak of :-\
CTspeedshop said:
Totally wicked my friend. ;D
Thank you sir,
i appreciate your kind words.
Grendels said:
Thanks 'G'Man, i was gutted you didn't have time to finish the Mercury 9 project in time for the end of the contest, but i will continue to follow along in the new Shelf Queens section.
04svt said:
what kind of glue are u using for the metal to plastic?
Just regular Instant Krazy glue from the local supermarket, comes with a brush which makes it easier for me as i have sausages for fingers? ;D
Quaralane said:
The detail you're packing in here makes me almost think you're planning on flying her for real.
'Q' Thank you sir. You would be suprised just how many of my work 'friends', who i have shown pictures to, have asked me "So, is it going to fly", to which i usually very sarcastically reply "Yes of course it will, NASA spend billions of dollars going to space but i can do the same thing with a model i put together in my spare bedroom thats made of plastic and detergent bottle caps?"
But i suppose i should take it as a compliment to just how real it looks but the reality is I work with morons ?
ModelMakerMike said:
Oodles and oodles and oodles of friggin' off the chain flippin' detail!!!!!!
If I was wearing a hat, I'd tip it to you, Sir!
Friggin Thanks my flippin scratch buildin compadre, ;D
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nOodles ;D
Just a few painting pixs for ya today
The vane adjusters have yet to be painted
The weathering is the next stage, with may be a little more detail painting, not decided yet.
(ps I don't know what happened to the other pix, could a moderator try to fix it for me please)
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