Old-school Tamiya


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2024
On another forum, we're doing a group build of old Tamiya kits — it must have been released in 1984 at the latest, and you're supposed to build it old-school rather than sticking every possible modern accessory on it. As shown elsewhere on this forum, I picked the Panzerkampfwagen II kit that's older than I am :) I built it long ago, when I was maybe 15 or so at a guess, and chose it now because (as also mentioned elsewhere on this forum) it was the cheapest Tamiya tank kit I could find at Exito when I was looking to buy Panther tracks there (they do have cheaper Tamiya military kits still, but I didn't want to build an antitank gun or only figures).

So, it arrived today around noon. I started building it a few hours later, and within about half an hour, had finished steps 1 and 2 of the instructions:


I then took a bit of a break and continued on with step 3:


Followed by step 4:


Because this is an ancient Tamiya kit, it has large openings on the underside of the upper hull, which I filled with some plastic card cut to size:


Then just bring it all together:


Missing here are the spare wheel on the front and the exhaust on the back, because I want to leave them off until after painting. The wheels and tracks are loose, partly because they're held on by the good old poly caps, and partly because I'll remove them for painting.

Now, the group build is partly also encouraging us to put the vehicle into an old-school diorama, so I began by plagiarising drawing the parts for one on my computer. After printing out the drawings, I glued that for the base to some plywood and those for the building to styrofoam:


After the glue had dried, I cut the building parts out with a sharp hobby knife. This is much easier than you probably think, and far less messy, too. The trick is to use a knife sharp enough to cut through the little styrofoam balls instead of pushing them out of the material, and to go slowly but steadily. I first cut along the outer lines, and then made the broken walls by cutting at an angle from the inner lines you can see in the photo. I still need to cut out the baseplate, which I'll do with an electric saw, probably tomorrow.

Then it just remained to glue the parts together, using some cut-down cocktail sticks as spikes to secure them better:


And a rough impression of what the diorama will look like with the tank:


A few of the figures from the kit will also be added, of course :)
So OOB builds, the way it should be, other than the diorama part. I'd join in, but busy with other life issues at the moment. Look forward to seeing the progress.
That still looks great for an out of the box old school kit

Nice idea for the ruins diorama with the styrofoam
So OOB builds
Not necessarily :) The idea is to have a quick and fun build, without getting lost in all the modern AMS stuff most of us suffer from these days. A few hours to put the model together seems to fit that, I'd say :)

Nice idea for the ruins diorama with the styrofoam
The diorama is actually an attempt to make this a nostalgia-squared model. But unlikely to ring any bells to North Americans :)
I've just cut out the base, too:


I had glued the drawing to the plywood, then used an electric jigsaw to cut it out, but slightly bigger than the outline before using a coarse wood file and a sanding machine to bevel the edge towards that line.

Here with the building, tank and one of the two figures that will be in the diorama:


The soldier is from the Panzer II kit, but he hasn't got a helmet on because I want to give him a cap instead, but the kit doesn't include any. Searching through my spares, I did find some caps from Dragon a few minutes ago, and though that brand didn't exist yet in 1984, I'll use them anyway on the basis of sticking to the spirit rather than the letter of the rules :)
Nothing wrong with no helmet. I watched an interview with a WWII vet who said they ditched their helmets because they just got in the way and didn't make much of a difference anyway, guys still got shot in the head and killed with them on, really for nohting more than flak protection. Makes since to me because the helmet did get in the way when I was serving and had do wear one.
You probably would have minded it less if you had gotten shot at, I suspect :) (It was observed soon after body armor became commonly issued, that soldiers wearing it complained about it much more if they had gone out on patrols on which nothing happened, than after ones in which they got into a firefight.)

Anyway, there's a specific reason I want the figures in this diorama to wear caps instead of helmets, but I'm waiting to see if anyone finds it before I show why :)
To make the plasterwork on the building, I applied pre-mixed wall filler from a tube:


A little too thick and lumpy, I realised later, but I haven't made a building from scratch in probably 25 years, so I'm a bit out of practice.

After sanding it down, though, I think it looks acceptable:


I sprayed the tank with primer from an aerosol can from a cheap store:


And built the two figures that will go into the diorama:


The caps are Dragon, the ammunition pouches on the officer (who has been demoted to a private) are from my spares box but are old Tamiya parts, and the hand grenade is from Tamiya's German Infantry Weapon Set that was originally released in 1979 :) Everything else is straight from the box, even though I have much better parts for all of the personal equipment and the MP 38. I cut off the grenade-thrower's head and made a new neck so that he looks to his right, and cut off the fingers from his left hand so I could glue them around the grenade's shaft, making him actually hold it. I did notice in the picture that there's a mould seam on top of one of the ammo pouches, so I scraped that off right away.
Indeed :)

This afternoon, I sprayed Tamiya XF-63 German Grey onto all the areas where markings are to go, as well as on the whole of the lower hull and into recesses that would be easy to miss when you're spraying a real tank quickly:


This emptied my bottle of XF-63 so even if I had wanted to, I can't spray any more of the tank grey :(
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When the grey had dried, I applied some decals from the kit:


Not exactly those for any of the options shown in the instructions, more something plausible for North Africa.

I then added a coat of RAL 8000 using AK 3rd Gen paint:


Though that didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked, largely because I'm not used to spraying this paint yet, so I had to fiddle around to get the paint to the right thickness to go through my airbrush.

And then straight on to adding highlights to the panels:


For this, I used Agama Light Khaki 8th Army — I own exactly one pot of this brand, and it was a good colour to use for highlights here :) But again, I've never sprayed this so I had some work finding out how far to thin it.

BTW, the difference in colour between the second and third photos is not as stark on the real thing as in these photos — much of that is due to the image correction in my iPad exaggerating things again.
Nice! At some point I'll have to do something similar, only figure out how to do it with dry brush I suppose.
You could just brush to a sharp edge and say the vehicle was brush-painted by the crew, rather than sprayed.

Looks good from this angle!
Hopefully his fingers will still look good once painted :) I had to fill the seam with some putty but it's so tiny I can't tell if I've filled it enough, too much, or just right.
First, to continue with the diorama:


I cut the locations for the pieces of debris out of the paper that I had left on the base so far, then coloured in the holes left with a marking pen so that I can still where they need to go. I glued the cut-out bits of paper to some foam board to let me cut out the rubble pieces from that later and glue them in the right places. I also took a chisel and a heavy modelling knife to the crater, while earlier I had already drilled three holes and glued cocktail sticks cut in half into them to have something to stick the wall onto. All that done, I removed as much of the paper as possible so that it won't prevent the wall filler from sticking later on. Next, I glued on the building:


And on with the tank again. I painted it with my normal method, by applying a darker wash (Army Painter Soft Tone thinned with water) over the whole tank after I had sprayed it, and once that had dried, I drybrushed it with several lighter shades of the base colour:


Then, I opened a new old tin of Humbrol 67 Tank Grey to strongly drybrush with that to make it appear like the underlying grey is re-appearing where the sand colour has worn off:

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Thanks, I'm quite pleased with how it came out, though there's still more work to be done on it :)

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