Chuck Beemans

Aug 3, 2024
I was excited to start this build after seeing all of the rave reviews about it. The fit is everything they said it would be and it's been a pure joy.
I experimented with hairspray chipping which I now prefer over other the chipping fluids I've tried, in case anyone is wondering about what brand/type of hairspray works I can say this worked well for me. By price/volume I don't really see myself ever using AK's stuff again. I do recommend decanting first and using an airbrush vs. spraying straight out of the can as the nozzle doesn't spray evenly and you risk puddling and over spraying.
I primed the model with Vallejo's grey surface primer straight from the bottle. once it was dry I went over it VERY lightly with a piece of Mr clean sponge to remove any dust and dog hair that might have collected (I have a golden retriever. dog hair is just a fact of life here and invariably finds it way into everything we do). Then went over most of the model with Alclad Aluminum followed by a few coats of the hairspray.

Unfortunately I didn't take pictures of the steps between there and where I'm at now which is some post shading, chipping decals etc etc.
I did get pics of the turbochargers which I did experimenting with some new products and techniques I've seen out there. Overall I'm happy with how they turned out.
I couldn't help myself. Just had to put them in place for a test fit to see how they looked.
I think I need to blend a few areas out a little bit to make the wear more realistic, but I'm afraid I'll overwork them even more than I have already. Best to just put a matt coat over them and see iwhat that does for them if anything.


I have a question on your paint types. I had read to never put down acrylic (or enamel) then put lacquer over it. Did you use Vallejo Acrylic Primer then Allclad lacquer? If so, it worked fine? Thanks. I am currently a few steps into Tamiya 1/48 P-38J, which is mostly bare metal, so using a black laquer primer with laquer aluminum over that.
I just finished a Lightning. Regarding the turbochargers I was thinking along the same lines as you but opted to try a matt coat and it made a huge difference for the better. Especially when the plan was coated in satin.
I was excited to start this build after seeing all of the rave reviews about it. The fit is everything they said it would be and it's been a pure joy.
I did not build the F/G, I chose the J version. But I agree 100%, I know it is just saying, but this kit did just fall together. There's another Tamiya kit often said to be the best ever, the F-4 Phantom. I built it too but had more issues (it is more complex, more parts) with it than the Lightning.

Looking forward to seeing the progress!

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