Chris S said:
WOW really like putting yourself through a whole world of hurt dont ya ;D ;D

Did some painting. Laid down a shiny black coat for the metal finish. Nearly forgot to paint the chromate green on the clear pieces (caught it just before painting them), then I noticed that I forgot to mask the wing light. Fixed all that. When the paint dried, I noticed that all the minor imperfections came right through.

Lots-o-sanding marks. and that 'melting?' of the plastic from the lacquer thinner and CA accelerant. it all came through.
I figured that a few of the marks would come through, I'm focusing more on keeping the raised panel lines than really sanding things down too much. wow!
So, I tried brushing on some Future to fill in the sanding marks and scratches, and cover (even out) the other blemishes. So far, it looks good, I'll know more tomorrow when it's dry.
But here's a few pix from before all this tonight.
Wheel bays masked
Bay doors
I pretty much used up the last drop of my Green Chromate. This bottle lasted me for many kits. In the end, it was heavily thinned and it took many passes with the AB to get a good layer down.
First black layer. The brushed Future layer should make it shine.
Well, that's where things stand for now. Thanks for checking it out.
More to come.