Ok ..just to put a smile on Robs face ;D
Havent had much benchtime over the weekend ,but I spent a little time playing with rust

I think the pics will show you where Im heading with this one ;D ,Im only getting started on the rust ,just the one side nearly done .
To create the heavy rust ,all I used was some Raw Umber oil paint and AK Interactive light rust pigments .
The oil paint is brushed on to areas that I wanted rusted ,then the pigments are stippled into the oil paint while it is wet ,doing this produces a range of colours of rust depending on how much of the pigment you use ,it will vary from dark to light ,a quick easy method of producing localised rust ,Once I have the pigments on I used a clean soft flat brush to gently brush over the side of the chassis in a downward motion to add a bit of a streaked effect
I'll be back once I have all the rusting done on the chassis
Thanks for looking.