
Simon "Papa Smurf" Mercs in the Studio
May 6, 2011
Some of you Skype users may know that this program whacked out the day before Thanksgiving. A lot of fixes were posted by the Skype admin's, none worked for me. i tried at least 20 of them, nada.........

I happen to mention on their "Heartbeat" help section that it was "strange" that Microsoft had just purchased Skype, and that the day before this holiday, when people wanted to reach loved ones far away, that it went bananas.

So the free version, whacks out in different ways, depending on your OS, and nothing seems to repair it. Oddly, if you purchase the paid version, I hear it works fine. As I dared to voice my opinion that I felt this problem was engineered as a "marketing" strategy, I was offered more useless fix suggestions.

I wanted to post that once again, nothing the suggested, actually worked, and was looking for the history of my visits to locate the page I posted on. It was easy to find earlier today, now,'s gone!

It would appear the my suggestion at this possibility was not well received, as well as my comment that if this was indeed true, then someone ought to kick Bill Gates in the nu%s.....ouch!

As i tried to sign in to this page, I was caught in a loop that kept making me re-enter my data, like I didn't have an existing account, which I did, and functioned just fine up until a few hours ago.

And, somehow, my history, on my Google Chrome browser, was altered to no longer show links to the page where I posted my comment, strange....

I guess I was more than accurate on my presumption, and the "cyber powers that be" didn't like me hitting the nail on the head, tough poopie's guys.

So, screw you Skype, Google plus will soon have their version, and I won't waste anymore time trying to fix a program that was intentionally sabotaged to generate more wealth for Microsoft.

I swear this is true, and I find it hard to believe that all this stuff was merely coincidental......


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