SMA What's New In Your Stash?!?

I hope that when I die my wife sells my guns and car parts for what they're worth not what I told her the cost was.
It is amazing that all my kit's were purchased when they had 40% or more off. Or the best one is they were old stock so it was buy one and get one free.

I guess that all modelers are just really lucky to find these deals.............Pantherman
I never intend to grow a stash, around 30+ kits now. I left the room and turned off the lights, like rabbits I tell you, like rabbits.......
I bought 5 kits when I re-started the hobby in March '23. I just looked at my stash and I now have 80 kits (this includes the three WIP's) and have completed 20.
DT has it right, just like rabbits. :p

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