Canyon Man said:
Since I started the thread, from what I've read, I need to clarify something. I meant how many models you have unfinished. And to me, that means ANY model that is not complete, so models that are still unopened would count. ;D
I keep buying them everytime I see one that I love. Which is usually sci fi for me. I used to be a machinest for 13 years so to me detail is second nature. BUT it's funny, that the rate I buy them is greater than the rate I finish them ;D
In that case, it's a VERY lengthy list, Canyon Man.
Actual WIPs:
Model scale MFG Notes
Klingon D-4(ENT) 1/2500 Gizmotron Needs Paint/decals
SR-71 Blackbird 1/72 Revell/Monogram For 1/144 Changewind One
Jedi Starfighter-Delta 7b-Anakin 1/48 Revell Mod as “Angel†2
ISS Enterprise NCC-1701-E 1/2500 AMT Needs Paint/decals
ISS Enterprise NCC-1701-D 1/2500 AMT Needs Paint/decals
Eldar Wave Serpent 25mm Games Workshop needs finish/details/decals
Tau Devilfish 25mm Games Workshop needs finish/details/decals
Space Battleship Yamato 1/1000 Bandai
In stash:
Model scale MFG Notes
Adversary Set 1/2500 AMT/Ertl
Ayanami Rei(EVA) 1/7 ModelResinPlus
Batmobile 1/24 AMT/Ertl
Battlestar Galactica '1/4105 Moebius Mod as Solaria-lights-etch-guns
Batwing II 1/32? Revell
Belle of Tortuga 1/8 ? Lunatic Fringe
Colonial Viper Mk II 1/32 Moebius Husker/Starbuck
Command Pod 1/100 Bandai
Condar 1/72 Revell
Corvette Indy 1/25 Revell
Coyote Supercar 1/24 AMT/Ertl
Cylon Centurion 1/35 unknown
Eldar Fire Prism 25mm Games Workshop
Enterprise NX-01 1/1000 Polar Lights poss Excalibur
Enterprise Parts 1/1000 Polar Lights
Enterprise Three Ship B, C, E 1/2500 AMT/Ertl
Enterprise Three Ship TOS, A, D 1/2500 AMT/Ertl
Enterprise-A Parts 1/1000 from Belknap salvage
Epic Scale Eldar Epic Games Workshop
F4U-1 Corsair 1/48 Academy
Female Standing Viper Pilot 1/32 MMI
Interdictor Star Destroyer 1/10000 Odyssey Slipways
Ion Nebulizer & Vox Communicator 1/1` Pegasus
Iron Man 1/8 ? Moebius Mod as War Machine/Firehawk Variant
Jedi Starfighter-Delta 7 1/72 Fine Molds Missing Hyperdrive ring
Jedi Starfighter-Delta 7 1/72 Fine Molds
Jedi Starfighter-Delta 7-b Ahsoka's 1/48? Revell
Jedi Starfighter-ETA-2-Anakin's 1/25 Revell Missing Pilot
Klingon Bird of Prey 1/350 AMT/Ertl
Knight 2000 1/25 Aoshima
Knight 2000 SPM 1/24 Aoshima
Knight 4000 1/25 AMT/Ertl
Knight 4000 1/25 AMT/Ertl
Mach V 1/25 Polar Lights
Millenium Falcon 1/144 Fine Molds
Mustang GT500KR 1/24 Revell For KI3K
Republic Dropship 1/72 Revell
Romulan Bird of Prey 1/650 AMT/Ertl
SeaQuest DSV 1/600 Revell For ISS Talon
Sith Infiltrator ? Revell test shot
Spitfire MkXIVe 1/48 Academy
SR-71 Blackbird 1/100 Revell missing window piece
Star Trek ship parts 1/2500 AMT/Ertl mostly enterprise bits
Starfury 1/72 Monogram Has revised guns
Stinger 1/16 Monogram
T-47 Airspeeder 1/48 Fine Molds
T-47 Airspeeder 1/72? Revell test shot
Tachikoma 1/25 Wave
TIE Droid 1/72 Scale Solutions
TIE Fighter 1/72 Fine Molds chrome
TIE Interceptor 1/72 Fine Molds
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 1/1000 Polar Lights
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 1/350 Polar Lights For larger Odysseus
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A 1/537 AMT/Ertl
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B 1/1000 AMT/Ertl
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E 1/2500 AMT/Ertl
USS Excelsior NCC-2000 1/1000 AMT/Ertl
USS Voyager NCC-74656 1/677 Revell For ISS Blackthorne, poss light
War of the Worlds Martian War Machine 1/48 Pegasus
X-29 1/72 Hasegawa
X-Wing 1/72 Fine Molds
X-Wing 1/72 Fine Molds
X-Wing 1/72 Fine Molds chrome
X-Wing 1/72? Revell
YF-19 1/72 Hasegawa
YF-21 1/72 Hasegawa
Zoltek 1/72 Revell Possibly missing some rubber pieces