Thanks Rob ... & Jason ,sorry for the late reply guys ,been a bit busy lately
Tally ho Chaps ,
I've managed to grab the odd hour here and there in between makeing hay while the sunshines
So ,I've moved on a bit with the little Spit .Basically what I've done is .....
I added the remaining Decals then sprayed over the white in the stars ,I cut a mask from some old U.S decals ,held it against the model and sprayed through it ,seems to have worked fine
Following that another couple of coats of Klear to seal the decals ,Then I started to fade and dust up the paint a bit on both the top side & underside .Once the fading was done I sealed again with another coat of Klear .
After the Klear dried I made up a dark Brown filter using Vandyke Brown oil paint ,This was applied all over the aircraft in a very thin layer ,just to blend all the colours a bit and soften things a little.
.....Deep breath ......Then another Klear coat .Now its time to start the panel lines and to start dirtying up the Spit ,This again was done with AK's winter Grime ...I love that stuff
Including the underside .
Oh yeah !! ....Painted the Spinner too ...Tammy flat red & Klear
The big girl (Lanc) has been decaled up and awaiting the same treatment .
Thanks for looking