Good day.
I would like to show you how far I've come with this project.
Now is the time to start marrying the elements of the Space Dock together.
First the Refit has to be suspended within the dock. To do this, three holes were punched through the top of the Dock with a needle, corresponding holes were then made into the Refit. One just behind the bridge and one into the top of each of the nacelles, inline with the pylons. Three pieces of 0.016" clear line each 100cm long were cut and then threaded through the top of the Dock. A piece of tape was attached to the top ends of the line to prevent being pulled through. Each line was then inserted to its' corresponding mounting point on the Refit and glued in place.
When dry the lines were pulled from the top of the Dock, till the ship was in its' proper position, with each line clamped off to hold it in place. Each line was then glued from the inside of the Dock and left to dry.
When dry the clamps were removed and the tops of the lines were glued, then cut flush.
To mount the Travelpod, a length of 0.020" clear line was inserted into the side of the Pod, glued and left to dry. When dry the Travelpod was inserted into position to the side of the Dock and held by a clamp base, then glued and left to dry. Then cut flush.
This whole assembly was then reattached to the backplane. This is where I am at right now.
This completes the Space Dock section of the build.
Now on to the construction of the Shadowbox and the lighting.
Thank you for following.
Questions and comments welcome.