- Jelly, im not sure by how much AFV's offering are better, but from what ive read they dont seem to suffer from the same level of injection marks (which is a lot) and have much higher grade of detail but on the
drawback they are much more expensive. Personaly i find the trumpeter kits very good in all fairness.
as for decals i use mircosol to soften the decal and for the large red crosses i placed the decal in hot water to soften them further. The only thing i dont have is a fixer, microset would have made my life much easier as the decal didnt seem to settle on the surface of the model
- Bizarre, it didnt accour to me to cut the decal in half till of i applied them, as for airbrushing a template well that option for me doesnt work as i dont have an airbrush my man
-Qauralane, thanks very much for the kind words my friend
- schweinhund227, they were a nightmare to go on, i really needed a fixing solution to stop the decal from slipping and sliding all over the place. masking and trying to paint in a sentcle with a brush is messy at the best of times but once i get an airbrush sometime in the furture it should make life easier.
i do hope the net is right for once, cause a tan stryker does look great
thank you all for your support lads,
next update the filter should be on
till then