Small update.
Kit painted, detail painting done, decals on, wash and dry brush done. Now to start the weathering and gathering some stowage for it, not much, but just enough to give it a lived in look.
Had a small incident with one of the decals for the turret, the turret number to be specific, and of course, according to Murphy's Law, it was the last decal to go on. As I was blotting out the #3 on the left side of the turret, it decided it wanted to stick more to the paper towel than it did to the model, and it ended up ripping the lower half of the 3 off.
So....plan A.....take off the rest of the number, decided I don't need turret number, and attempt to take off the number on the other side of the turret, but, since it had set up with Micro Set for about 5 min., all I was doing was damaging and chipping the number (which actually didn't look bad, if I had a matching number for the other side).
So, Plan B....take the scanned copy of the decals that I did for the Sprue View, and reprint the numbers on a white decal sheet. Only problem, couldn't find (and still haven't found) my sheet of white decal paper.
So, Plan said scanned copy of decals in Photoshop, crop the two numbers, and since a printer won't print white, change the white numbers to black, to make it easier to cut out a template. First printed it on regular paper, and decided that the paper likely would absorb some of the paint, and maybe make a mess of the whole thing, I took a file folder, which was more rigid and not as absorbent and proceeded to make a template of the turret numbers. After many tries (thankfully I put some future on where the decals were to go, because I had the white paint slightly too thin, air pressure too high, and ended up spidering the paint under the template, not knowing what a Q-tip and AB cleaner would do to the Future, I proceeded to gently clean off the paint.....thankfully it only took the paint off and not strip the Future and subsequent paint underneath.
Now, as the now painted on number, looked painted on...I had to go over the fairly straight edged decal to make it look painted on as well. As it turns out, most of the turret numbers were painted on the real tanks with just a brush and many have paint runs in it. Both numbers unfortunately don't look exactly the same, but in a way, makes it look more authentic anyway. And really the only way to tell is to look at the turret straight on and see both numbers at the same time.
OK...enough chit chat, on with the photos. Sorry about them being a little blurry, had it on a higher FStop, but too lazy to drag out the tripod! LOL
The business end!