I'm calling this one done.
Learned a lot
1. First time trying salt and hairspray methods. I like em a lot.
2. Vallejo varnish dries white with humbrol picments
3. I didn't quite manage to hold back on the dirt even tho I didn't wanna go overboard. Fail... But I got it out of my system. And anyone can tell this thing has driven through vietnam dirt.
4. I'll get a panzer kampf wagen 3 og 4 polish versions and go all muddy. Getting the dirt stuff completely out of my system.
5. I'll defenatley get the m48 and others of that line and hold back on the dirt.
6. My m1a2 Abrams will only get a light dust wash.
7. Using Micro sol and set, still left the film visible on the decals, in the right light.
8. I had a shit load of fun, for my first tank build its OK.