The Battlestar Galactica Moebius should have made!

This Moebius kit was based on the Galactica as it appears in pictures from Modeler Magic, before a restoration and after it was filmed for the series. There are numerous pieces that are missing in those pictures. It makes things like I plan to do next, tougher. Recreating something like this not knowing what it is makes it harder:


Having very little idea what that was from a in a "real" kit, it's not easy to replicate, so I started digging and found this.

Maybe? If that ain't it, it's mighty close? It's from a 1/12 Tamiya Ferrari kit.




This is about as close as I'm gonna be able to get those "scales". Now, as mentioned before, those scales "look" like that Ferrari engine I posted earlier. Whether that's the exact one or not, any idea about it's accuracy, I don't got, but here's my attempt at making what I posted. Along with that, there is detail needed on a few parts of this engine section, it looks like, so I've made some replacement AIRFIX Saturn V engine bells too.



The pieces I made on the spots they seem to go..




I think it looks alright? It's not 100% cleaned up yet and not attached to the model till later, but it is what it is.

Just so's y'all have an idea here...

We ain't dealin' with alotta swingin' room!

Man... I do gotta do a little clean-up huh?

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Alrighty then play time is over for this thing. It was time to move along to the engine section.


There is far too much that needs to be changed here, so the normal "fiddle with it" wouldn't work here, so I removed eveything and started rebuilding. In most instances, they've came off without damaging most so I plan to re-use as much as possible of the original pieces to keep it as original as I can. The main Saturn V tanks, I'm hoping, will be about the only parts to actually be replaced of the original parts. Now that it'll be an opened up area (as it should), the only things extra will be what extras need to be added in all the open recesses now?

Here's what I mean. I 'snipped' this from the original picture above and enlarged it. These will need to be solid now.


That's it! No prisoners!
I'm adding detail that wouldn't be there on the kit. Since I'm opening areas up now, I'll need some replacement parts, so, I've vac-formed a few things. As an example, those new tanks are now .040 3/8 drive ratchet extensions. I've done a few forms to use as the racing car canopies and such too.

Gettin' better all the time I believe?





It's really just a matter of time now before sumthin... and I don't have a clue what yet... SUMTHIN' majorly bad is bound to be headin' straight for this.


I really DO want to hear opinions and comments here and don't hold back. You ain't gone hurt my feelin's and I want to know before I make the mistake! Y'all see it, PLEASE, say it! I know that rear cover is backwards, but I fix that later.

Slowly, I'm getting closer. This latest updgrade looks pretty good to me and shows up well on the model. This one seems worth the fuss? Again, y'all forgive the pencil marks and such. Here's also the other set of tank grills I mentioned. These will get the same treatment and possibly even a better one that I'll show later. Primer oughta do me good.






I've also added more detail along the sides which also came out fairly well.


What I've done here is, I've opened up those "ladder" structures just forward of that tank deck. I believe those ladder parts are from the 1/72 HASEGAWA LEOPOLD Railway Gun. Those turned out to be a little fiddly and to make matters worse... I just so happened to drop one of the two ladders while I was working on it. Couldn't find it for NUTHIN". Actually was about to give up and try to make one from scratch. I was regretting that bad 'cause JUST to work on these was tough and the thought of making one was weighing on me pretty hard. One last look around and I found it! All three pieces. I had ROLLED OVER IT with my chair. It was bad. It took two full days to get it back to something I could start working on again. Fellas, it was bad. Now, having made y'all all laugh because I know, it's funny, I still may work on them a little more. There are small tabs all over both pieces and as of yet, I don't exactly know how to add them, but we'll see.

I've also made what I think is a part from the 1/12 TAMIYA John Player Special race car kit? It's the frame looking piece just behind that tank deck, in case some didn't know that. You're welcome. Another piece that will try your patience when one of y'all follow along with me, but it can be done. That one is all hand made. ;)

Still looking a little better to me, but it's all starting to get fuzzy for me at this point, so I don't know.

Here's what I used as reference.

See all the little nubs. I'm not 100% sure how to recreate those yet.


Here's the TAMIYA JPS part. I got that one fairly close the first try, so, unless I break it all to pieces... which is a VERY high probability... it oughta work like it is.


AND, here's a picture of the original Galactica I've been using for reference.

As can be seen on that original, there is an "A" frame dealy-o included in the kit that left alot to be desired, so, I maked my own!

Here's the original kit part...


And here's what I done...


Here's what an original piece looks like:


Once again, I think mine stands out just a little better. At least I HOPE it does?

It's starting to come together fairly well now. Y'all still like it?

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Here comes the point where I need to apologize. Anybody seeing this has probably thought, "There is NO WAY he's doing this that fast" and you are absolutely correct! I pasted a great deal of it from a post I made at the RPF a couple months ago. At this point, Hurricane IDA decided to pay me a visit. She tried to tear my house down and it was a touchy thing there for several hours as a tree fell in the house and the roof started leaving. I haven't exactly been working on this for a couple months and spend most of my days lately on yard clean up duty and things like that. There will still be a delay in an update and I'm not 100% sure that all this work actually made it through the storm unscathed because I haven't had the chance to go through many of the areas of the house that were damaged and the shop where this model is at is one of those places. Worst part is, I kept 90% of my stash in the attic... that was totally exposed to the weather for several hours and I haven't had the chance to see what's even left of that. Oh well. It is what it is. I live down here where these things come through, so there was always that chance.


If all goes well, I should be back on this as soon as possible and if this got destroyed, there is NO WAY I can replace it at the prices they go for now, so I've crossed my fingers.

I certainly hope what I have done has been enjoyable and hopefully inspired someone and if it's possible, we'll be back soon!
Sorry to hear about your hurricane damage .
I had only one Cat 1 go over me this season . Hurricane Nicholas .
No damage though . Didn't even look like a hurricane went through here , actually .
Always next year ! :D
Sorry to hear about your hurricane damage .
I had only one Cat 1 go over me this season . Hurricane Nicholas .
No damage though . Didn't even look like a hurricane went through here , actually .
Always next year ! :D
Yes sir, Thank you. It's one of the worst I've ever been through. Still suckin' wind though, so I'll try and put the toothpaste back in the tube.

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