The Dark Knight Bat Pod in 1/25 by Moebius > WIP

Thanks for the kind words ! ;D
I'm having fun with this one

Primer and paint will start

Spiderman vs. The Dark Knight?!? ???

I sprayed black primer on this part because there was mixed materials and wanted to see it all 'tied together'. It was a hot day so I left it in a shady spot to air dry. I forgot about it and left it outside for 1 night and already this morning...

On the 1/1 prototype this vehicle is basically matte black.
Matte black engine, matte black frame, matte black radiator, matte black handle bars, matte black front fork, matte black knee rests and support arms, . . . matte black, I think you get the idea.

Looks fine in 1/1 but on a scale model and especially at 1/25, you have to force and direct visual effect. My try at this is hand painted with hobby acrylics and Future.


Thinned Future with alcohol and a couple drops of dish soap was brushed on the frame, fork, radiator, and random places.

Added to the Future in random places was a drop of Tamiya clear green and in another area I added a drop of Gunze clear orange. This achieved a very subtle variation in the black
Great result, very subtle ,not to much but still noticeable, thanks for sharing, i will be stealing this affect for sure(if that's ok) ;D

@ Gag - Haha thanks! Yes, totally OK! Go with one drop at a time then let it dry. Then look at it. While the paint is still wet, there is almost no noticeable change. So, be patient and go layer by layer ;)

Thanks, Dark Kyp 8)
Batman keeps the gear clean, tidy and squared away. I had to add a little wear and grime to mine,

just a little ;)

The hoses and battery wire boots were painted flat black/gray then a gentle wash of dirty brown.


A dirty tan/brown wash was brushed into cracks and around details.

This got a little too red brown than what I wanted so I had to go back in with a semi gloss black wash




I think it looks 'used' while still looking 'Dark'.

I think I'll stop there and start detail painting the disc brakes and calipers and other stuff
Weathering looks awesome!!! I like how you achieved this effect. I have never thought of mixing future with alcohol along with couple drops of dish soap. What is the ratio of future thinned with alcohol that you used?
Thanks for the compliments!

The ratio of Future alcohol soap was tiny amounts.
The total amount of material was about a Tablespoon.
I poured almost a tablespoon of Future into a paint palette cup with two drops of dish soap straight from the pull-up nozzle. Then about half the amount of alcohol.

So, I guess it like this:
1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 3 teaspoons (tsp)

2 teaspoons Future
2 drops dish soap
1 teaspoon alcohol
Looks awesome! I picked one of these up at the 2012 IPMS Nationals and will use this WIP for inspiration. Great job!
Thanks, CheesyGrin. It is a good little kit well detailed. I just wanted to show a few of the minor flaws so anyone wanting to build the kit will have fun and not ruin theirs 8)

Graphite = Metallic Finish

I bought an applicator bottle full of graphite dry lube for the locks and tumblers at the house several years ago.
A few parts need a brighter metallic finish and for this I used the graphite.

I have facial makeup applicators somewhere stashed but I couldn't find them.

The applicator was made by sticking a piece of self adhesive neoprene tape onto the end of a wooden craft stick. It was dabbed into a small pile of graphite poured directly out of the bottle

The graphite was rubbed onto the part surfaces where it is suppose to be that sort of titanium finish.

(that tiny little scratched detail part broke off somewhere so I'm making a new one now)



Works pretty good.

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