The Losss of my Sister


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
Hello Gentlemen,

Just felt I needed to let you know....Last night my Sister passed away after a long bought with Cancer. All is well here and my family can reflect now on her life...she is with friends and loved ones and she suffers no more.

Thank you!

Goodbye Sis!!!

Christine Michalak 1966 - 2012
Oh, My Lord, oh, My Lord, what I am reading here, TRM

I find usually very little to say that could be useful to relatives. What to say to mitigate the either pain and the loss. Just 46 y.o. as I can see. Sincerely, I´m so sorry.

At least, now, she rests in peace, the fight, the struggle, has ended, and her family has been around. She´s not alone, she´s been cared and loved.

Take all my condolences, TRM. I pray for the ones that are gone.
Sincerely Yours
TMR you have all of our deepest sympathy. Like Jelly said 46 is just too young. My condolences.
Anthony Mansueto
oh my god T i am really really sorry to hear this. i know its not easy to loose somone so close as a sister, thinking of it is breaking my heart for you, Take care ol pal
I'll drop one in the prayer bucket for you and your family T. Having lost my Dad 6 weeks ago I have an inkling of how hard this is for you.

Thank you very much for your condolences. I am happy that she is finally at peace now!

SMA along with MSC, are my second homes. You are all essentially extended family. I am comfortable here. I will draw strength from this experience, as I have in the past, and use it. Modeling and the good conversations here, keep the mind occupied and the hands not so idle.

I thank you all for your concern! ;)
Sorry to hear bud.....please accept my condolences from me and my family. We recently went through the same thing with my Dad late last year, so I know how you are feeling.

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