Had a health scare at work and got forced to go to the hospital. Long story short, I occasionally get stress induced muscle spasms in my chest, and as long as I stay calm and chill for a bit I am fine. But I got worked up cos it rarely happens at work, they thought I was having a heart attack despite repeatedly telling them what it really was, and they made ambulance take me to the hospital, where I was stuck till early evening(and by that time had been better four or more hours). And of course the diagnosis of the hospital was... exactly what I said it was. >.>
Anyways, once home, and after eating the first meal I'd had since 6 AM(!), I got the main nacelle bodies glued up.
I got primer on the secondary hull halves, and by the weekend will likely get the window lights installed and the hull glued up. I also painted the front parts of the nacelles that the motors and bussard lights attach to. Tomorrow I will likely wire those bits up, though it'll be a day or more before I attach them, as I want the main nacelle tubes finished before that happens.
Also mocked up the PL display dome on my custom base and have the attachment to the table finalized. Though I'll have to take apart the splices of the power wire soon so I can get the wire through the metal tube the ship installs onto.