the SS Rabid Empanada -- a spontaneous scritash

What a funny ship!
I still don't have a clue on what it will look in the end Mate :)
But one thing's for sure, your scratch building skills are at madness level :D

The airbrush for the "wing" section looks great - I like the vivid colors and saturation from the inks.
Great job - I look forward to it continue.
;D Thanks , Klaus !

I'm not sure what this thing will look like finished either 8)

... It's currently looking very Miami Vice ...
More pastel than I was after -

I picked up some more inks :


I introduced the copper to the top-side and now wish that I had not :p

...... The one panel that is no longer with us ;D started getting too muddy towards the aft-end and my attempts to lighten it required that I stop and remove what was there .

Gonna let it sit and pick back up when I have an Idea of where to go :-\

Here's what she looks like currently .
I mocked her up to the engine module to get some feel of it back ....


I have ideas of the direction and colors for the underside and the engineering hull ( I think ::) ) but I want to finish this completely first .

I had planned to use the " nickel " for the foundation color on the engineering hull , BUT - that stuff is more 'rose gold ' IMO , maybe you could say 'platinum' but not nickel ::) .
I'll need to try a mix of blues and the silver instead ..

Another update hopefully sooner than later ..

I agree. Not a fan of the addition of the copper. Personally I liked the more simple lines and color pattern you had before. If you are open to input of where to go I would head back that way.

Also, checked out the inks. They have iridescent Black and several Green tints. :D I think I can get the color I'm looking for on my future project.
Definitely open to the input ;D

I don't know if I can work with the copper by overlaying the transparent oranges or yellow .

not surprisingly , the blue is what muddied it prior .
I may remove some of the copper ..
.. I had intended to only use it at the trailing edge and got carried away .
All these mixes cure out to be much more intense than they first appear ..

BTW , I used 50% isopropyl ( rubbing ) alcohol to take it all off .
I also re-primed that panel as there were still a few little spots of color .

Thanks , Q

Yeah , LOL , I like the white section much better than what had developed there .

I'll most likely repaint it into a green/blue fade similar to the adjacent ones sans the lines ...

The good thing is that it's fairly easy to remove if it doesn't work-out

Cheers ;D
I also preferred the white- but I think you can beat that even by painting the (formerly white) areas aluminium or Testor's silver- that would rock and would show off the color nicely!

This is just a feast for the eyes- you should submit a build aticle to the SMA magazine and get famous!
Then marry a Kardashian cl/drone! Then it's all drugs and floozies as you spiral out of control, losing what made you great in the first place- until finally drowning in your own vomit.

Okay, maybe just keep making models.

Good Grief ! , Jason . ::)

Save some glue for the models .... ;D

I had it looking like this :


but ,
again , I got the other section too dark and removed it ;D

currently ...

Coating with multiple coats of clear Future today ,, start more color tomorrow

Quick update --

I'm doing more color-work on the top-side , but I want to get the RCS pylons and fire-cans set up ...

How she looks currently :


Magnets added to the cans & I epoxied in some screws at the end of the pylons ..




Just need to do more sanding to bring their profiles together .
.. then they will be infinitely variable

I still can't grasp her :p
But that's some great craftsmanship and cool airbrushing - I really look forward to the end result :D
Creativity at its purest. I love it.

Looks like it could have been in Jodorowsky's Dune (...if it had been made that is).
Thank you , gentlemen ;D

Hope to have some more pics up tonight ..

Cheers !

Made a little progress ...

These thruster modules need way more sanding and shaping -- but you can see what's up :


I'm convinced she needs another lifeboat .. for the engineering hull .

There's really no shapes that I like .
There are no more greeblies that lend themselves to engine nozzles :p ( that scale well -- there's still all kinda stuff , obviously )


I'd been looking over using that nozzle thingy in the foreground ...

But , I think it works way better on the main engine :


I've started upon the underside of the main hull :


Really liking the direction the underside pattern seems to be heading. This thing is wild!

Thanks , guys

A quick pic of what's happening on the underside :


The life-boat module is just sitting there for the pic ..

Long way to go -- it won't be pink ::)

Lotta time sucked up with dry-times for the masking .
I'll be doing more free-hand work on this side which should speed it up a little .
You can't rush this Future though -- it don't play that :mad:

All I had in my mind for this side was a " coffered ceiling in red & white " -- LOL ;D , Yeah , steak sandwich ..

This side needs to be heavy on the red and dark borders .
Some 3-d shading 8) . maybe a little Escher-esque stuff going on :eek:

I'm watching a bunch of Steven Seagal on YouTube during dry-times , ha ha , ,, but I don't know how late I'll be up
.. more pics soooon


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